But for some reason this summer, my groove got thrown off and I was forced to go Tuesday or Wednesday during the day. And that meant taking all the kids with me. I've been shopping at other stores, on errands, to soccer games and doctor's appointments with the four of them before, but never grocery shopping. And this presented a conflict. Karcyn is still just a tad too young for me to let her loose and have her "walk" next to the cart. Though she doesn't run off like Jake and Cooper did at that age, I know I'd spend more time trying to redirect her and protect the store items from her grabby little fingers than actually shopping. Not very efficient in my book. So if I have her in the seat of the cart, then what do I do with Calvin? Putting him in the basket part makes no sense either because then I'd have no place for groceries.
I contemplated putting him in the snugli or the backpack. I wasn't thrilled about these options because they seemed like so much extra work. I can't usually get that snugli thing on by myself-- let alone with a baby in it. The backpack is only a smidge easier. These seemed like my only options. Until I spied the umbrella stroller. And then a light bulb came on! I enlisted Jake and Cooper to push Calvin around behind or beside me (or even in front of me) so I could push Karcyn and the groceries in the cart. The big boys took turns pushing Calvin around and it worked so well. Such a simple solution, but a big relief. It also kept them from getting into trouble for annoying one another (and their mother) and gave them a responsibility other than putting items in the cart for me.
I couldn't believe the response I got at the store. Every aisle we went down, people stopped and commented on what big helpers I had or how cute it was that the boys were pushing their baby brother in the stroller. Some would do double takes and say incredulously, in a loud whisper to the others they were with "there's a real baby in there!" And without fail, we get a handful of comments every time we go.
Now that school's back in session, Jake doesn't get the pleasure of joining us on these trips anymore. But Cooper does. And I need him. Having less kids doesn't help me in this case. He goes to AM Kindergarten, so I wait til he gets home to go to Winco on our appointed shopping day. Of course, before leaving, Cooper always has to complain about how much he HATES Winco and refuses to go. Somehow the stars align and he eventually gets in the van albeit begrudgingly. But once he takes the stroller with Calvin in it, he perks up. We're not even to the produce section before he's getting compliments, for which I'm grateful. Surely these are boosting his ego and giving him a reason to keep coming back. And bless his heart, Calvin is soooo good. He usually sleeps. But if he's awake, he just hangs out. He doesn't make a peep. Doesn't even object when Cooper does wheelies or speeds down an empty aisle. (We're still working on grocery store etiquette).
To keep him interested in his new weekly responsibility, I promised this last time we went that I would take a picture of Cooper and would get him "published" on the blog. He got excited about that.
Whatever it takes.
What a great idea! Both boys look so cute in this picture.
When we saw you there I thought, "I should try that!" It is hard to fit it all in with Emilee's car seat balanced on the back, but we've managed so far. I'm just releived schools back in so there are a few less of them along for the trip! They hated it all summer!
I never thought I would say that I miss winco!!
Yep, those strollers can be a lifesaver. L usually ends up in the back of the cart while Fefe sits up front. My kids hate Winco too, mostly because there is less chance they'll get something good out of it.
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