Another "fun" thing about moving into our new home in the middle of winter is that we had no idea what to expect, if anything, from our surrounding foliage. But we found ourselves pleasantly surprised by the beauty. Unfortunately it didn't last very long. Cooper exclaimed a couple of weeks ago...
"Hey, it's not fall!"
"Then why are all the leaves falling?"
Very good question.
Sadly, our pretty blossoms on our trees (the big pink one is a 'flowering plum' or so we're told) in the back and on our big rhodi (rhody?) up front didn't last long. The winds have blown them all away. But new things have since come up....like grass in the backyard, roses and irises (which we mistook for tulips--oops) and we're still hoping for those apples. Anyone know when to expect those

Cooper: I always think it's funny that our oak trees keep their dead leaves all winter long and then drop them right before they are ready to get new leaves. So much for only raking in the fall.
When we moved into our house we had tons of apples! The next year we didn't get a one and this year there are a ton starting again. I guess sometimes they come in every other year. So if you don't get any this year, you can hope for some next.
We have just a few apples on our trees, but you'll have to be patient and wait until Aug-Sept. It can be so worth it though...ours are always yummy (or wormy, but that's the makings for applesauce)!
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