It's been 4 weeks since he joined the rest of the Houghlings and I've never felt better. The transition with Karcyn was easy for me, but this time around has been the best post partum experience. I figured the more kids you had, the harder it would be. I remember avoiding going out in public alone with ALL THREE of my kids after having Karcyn for as long as possible. I think I went as long as almost 2 months before I had to. And it was fine of course. But 2 weeks after Calvin was born, school was out for conferences, the boys needed new shoes, Calvin had a doctor's appointment and we had to run to the store. It didn't phase me one bit. I guess if I could do it with 3 children when I'm already outnumbered, what's one more?
The kids all love him too. The boys enjoy holding him and Karcyn has reacted well to the change. My only problem with her is that she's 2.
I've never once felt sleep deprived or tired enough to nap during the day (minus the first week). Calvin isn't picky about where he sleeps (thank goodness for huge blessings) and didn't confuse his days and nights like Karcyn did. There's only 1 of 3 reasons why he cries...he's hungry, he needs his diaper changed, or he's tired. And he actually screams the loudest and saddest wail when he's tired. He is so good natured. I just love him to pieces and snuggle him lots and lots....and lots more. He's a GREAT baby!
This picture cracks me up. The only thing I can think of is:

Its so good to hear good things like this right now. He is darling and I hope to be so lucky this time around!
Jen - one reason why it's easier now is because your other kids are older this time. They can help out more and do more for themselves. You are used to doing the run around so it doesn't phase you do add one more to the mix. Calvin is such a cutie - even with his freaked out look!
too cute. I'm glad you are enjoying him.
#4 is definitely the magic number. I don't know if that means 5 would be easy too...
Post-partum baby #2 for me has been crazy. I'm so glad to hear you're doing awesome on #4. You are super woman!
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