This was total de ja vu for us. Two years ago, about this time of year, Cooper laid his hand on a hot burner and burned his 4 fingers on his right hand. He was 3 at the time and much harder to explain things to, like taking the chewable Tylenol will HELP his hand feel better. I don't know what was worse then. Dealing with his burn or his refusal to take something to ease the pain because we "suffered" too having to put up with his moaning and whimpers all night long. Cooper reassured us after that ordeal that he wouldn't ever touch a stove again. I was convinced he wouldn't either. He spoke of it for weeks.
So it was kind of comically ironic that he did it again. Lest you think I'm a horrible mom, I did feel badly that he was in pain. Those burns are excruciating. I raced him over to the sink and ran his hand under cold water for about 10 minutes. He was screaming bloody murder the entire time, of course. I told him I'd call Dad and let him know what was happening. This was around 12:30 and Jared was at lunch. He laughed at the repeat incident, too. (See? It's not just me!) I held the phone up to Cooper's ear so he could talk to Jared, who I heard reminding Cooper about not touching the stove whether it's on or not. Cooper kept blurting out through his sobs, "I just forgot!" (He uses that excuse a lot around here and it doesn't fly). We hung up with Jared and I filled a bin full of cold water so Cooper could soak his hand in it. He finally stopped wailing after 15 minutes or so. He screamed and cried for so long he lost his voice that night. Then he started lamenting "I wish we didn't have a stove". I told him he'd be very sad if we didn't. He just needs to learn to respect it. Then he moaned that it was the same...4...fingers he burned last time. I told him I thought he wasn't going to touch a hot stove anymore and he wailed "I just forrrrgoooot!"
Needless to say, we didn't have spaghetti for lunch. I was going to make it anyway, but with Cooper's right hand out of commission, I figured it was best to just eat finger foods. Which meant pizza for dinner.
*Blistered fingers...
*Soaking the fingers...
*Dad to the rescue. Jared brought home some bright blue and hot green bandage wrap figuring Cooper would like green and if not, the blue. When Cooper chose the blue Jared said "Coop, I can't believe you didn't want the hot green bandage. I thought for sure you'd want it." Cooper enlightened Jared. "I didn't want anything hot!"

*Soaking the fingers...
*Dad to the rescue. Jared brought home some bright blue and hot green bandage wrap figuring Cooper would like green and if not, the blue. When Cooper chose the blue Jared said "Coop, I can't believe you didn't want the hot green bandage. I thought for sure you'd want it." Cooper enlightened Jared. "I didn't want anything hot!"

*When all the bandaging was done, Jake tried to comfort his brother and said, "Look Coop, I've got an owie, too." Then we declared Cooper the winner of owies for the day. Cooper was fine with his new hand because he said it kind of reminded him of Anikan Skywalker. (I didn't see the resemblance, but if he did, all the more power to him!)
1 comment:
Oh, poor Cooper. Hopefully it won't take a third time to take :)
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