Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Elder Jake Hough, 1.29.19--week 27

"Miracles, Swordplay and deceiving old ladies"

I start this email by saying congratulations on receiving what little snow you all got! Apparently we are in one of the worst years for hungary ever with snow, because we have had snow on the ground the ENTIRE month of January, and ice too, which means no bikes, a lot of walking, and a lot of falls haha!

As the title states, lots happened this week. SOK. Like, I cant get all the stories into this email, but I took a select few. We start with swordplay today!

We have an investigator who is golden. He wants to be clean, he has asked us to get baptized or baptize him, he has a date to be baptized.....but as it so happens with those coming towards the waters to be baptized, things pop up from the adversary or Satan that hold them back. His is nothing, big, like commandments or anything, but more the fact he doesnt see the importance of the Book of Mormon. Thinks it is useless and he has no need for it. So we have taught him two lessons back to back about the importance of the book of mormon, completely away from our plan for the Plan of Salvation, and the first was giving passages from the bible and the book of mormon on the same topic and determining what the book of mormon says more about baptism and christ and prohpets, and it went good, he left saying he would be reading it. Met again, and he said guys, Ill be honest, this book I have no need for. Its useless. And he wanted to give it back...oh boy, this was going to be a crazy lesson. We listened to his why, and I focused on trying to listen to him and the spirit to hear what he had to say. Beck elder led the lesson for that reason. There came a point where the member present was kinda arguing with him a bit, and we calmed them down a bit, and I said to this investigator very simply "We have told you this book is true. That it is from god. I know because I have read it. You wish to be baptized, but if you have no belief in the book of mormon you cannot be baptized, because this book contains the full truth that the bible has missing. If you wish to have god give you an answer to your question whether it is true, then you must read! God cannot help us recieve answers if we do absolutely nothing to help him, that is our faith in action. And look dude, We believe that there are three heavens, and the only way to live with God in the biggest one, that is through baptism and this book. If you dont read and dont get baptized you cant live with god. That is what God has said, and we speak for him. But I know this book is true and will change your life. Just read it." He seemed a bit taken aback by that and I wasnt yelling it at him either, jsut sat there calmly, letting the spirit speak. Looking back though, that was a fight for his salvation. We were dueling it out with the spirit and he left that lesson still reading or saying he would read. Which is a victory in my eyes so that was good.

I heard about Sister Kuttler, and my heart and prayers go out to the Kuttlers and those that knew her and were close to her. I am shocked but I know she is already helping her Savior hasten the work on the other side of the veil, and that death is not the end, merely a step. But I will miss her.

As far as miracles go, we have been teaching a ton of people, and last night we met with the most recent converts girlfriend and taught her the gospel of Jesus Christ, and at the end we extended the commitment to be baptized on April 27th and she accepted! Super huge blessing, super amazing what happens when you seek through the members for those to teach and when we are bold as missionaries and members. Super awesome. And we went to a small village on the other side of the "mountain" in Tatabánya and we were there to teach a family we streeted, but since it is a small village they didnt have many bathrooms anywhere, so I go up to this random dude on the street and ask where the bathroom is , and he takes us there and we thank him, then we come outside and run into him again, and start talking to him. Well, basically we get invited to his house, eat lunch and teach him the restoration...and have a return appointment in this village. He is so dope too! He ran 6 marathons all around 4 hours and did an ultramarathon from austria to budapest! Lots of respect from me, and he is an engineer, and built his own house. What a legend! It was crazy to run into him just because I asked for the bathroom too haha! The Lord Works in mysterious ways!

We taught on thursday our gospel discussion class after english class and there is always an older lady that is there that we discuss gospel topics with her. Well, she was actually at the most recent baptism, and so we made that the topic of discussion, and asked her what it was like, and we got to talking about why we were baptized, why we dont baptize children, and about other churches baptism, and at the very end she asked the golden question "Why are there so many churches??" and I said that is a great question, and we want to answer it, so we can meet here next week before angol ora and share the answer with you! So she is an investigator without really knowing that she is one haha! So we didnt decieve her, but we also didnt say we would be teaching the restoration haha! You do what you gotta do to bring people their salvation!

Other than that, I got pretty rebuked by the spirit at a new missionary and trainer meeting, and that I needed to get better. There were things that needed fixing, and it was very clear that there were as well.But the thought that came to mind as I ponedered what was needed to be done is that I need to STEP UP with a SMILE. I really like that, because we always are trying to be better and come closer to Christ, but we need to do it knowingly and with a happy heart! The other quote I love that goes with this is Why ENDURE to the end when you can ENJOY to the end? That is what I will leave you all with this week! Love yall, keep on keeping on! Sziasztok!
Hough Elder

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