On Sunday, June 29th, the conditions outside were simmering and building just right and we were able to witness some cool displays of lightning and hear the roll of the thunder all from our front window. This is actually the second time this year we've experienced this type of stormy weather in northwest Oregon. Eastern Oregon gets all types of weather, which seems normal, but not us. Usually it's just lots of rain or ice. Sometimes a light dusting of snow but to my dismay, RARELY thunder and lightning. So for our family, it was a real treat. I had to chuckle though because the next day the news reported this storm as "vicious". Okay, okay, lightning did strike a couple people and blew down some big trees. Clearly it's all relative. But once you've lived in the Midwest or South and experienced personal run-ins with tornadoes and wall clouds, this was "nuth-in". I miss the severe weather from our days in IL and MI. Just a couple good thunderstorms every once in a while like in UT would be fine with me. But living so close to the coast, we have pretty boring weather. Don't get me wrong...I would never WISH the damaging and life threatening weather on anyone, especially in the dark, because those storms are scary. But I do eat up any chance I get to view, in the daylight, from a healthy distance, a severe storm that has potential to turn into a tornado. In another lifetime, if I was ever good at science and math, and didn't have little people depending on me, I probably would have been a tornado chaser.
Amen, they fascinate me too. Same thing wtih earthquakes.
I love thunder storms too, but I'll let you know how I feel about them once I've "really" experienced one here in TX. ;o)
My mother was born and raised in Tennessee and we traveled there every few summers, as a child I loved the storms! We have friends (and a few family left there) so we have been back several times. We were on the outskirts of two tornados the last time we were there. SCARY! but oh were they really exciting too. Must admit I am a storm fan too! I don't like the problems for others the distruction etc, but I love the storms. Love the storms at the Ocean too we lived in Reedsport and watched them there also. Loved the snowstorms in Alaska the white out conditions etc. Vickie
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