So I'm on the phone with Jared explaining that our home warranty people can't get someone out to fix our furnace that pooped out last night until Monday from noon-2 at the earliest. (That's right, 6 days from now). But the guy who "fixed" the furnace a month ago could come out today. However, our warranty won't cover any future charges made by the technician who originally worked on it because he doesn't work for them. Naturally. The tech I tracked down was miraculously in our area at the moment and could swing by, but after that he didn't know when he could come. We needed to make a decision and fast. What to do? Have the original guy come out and run the risk that it isn't the same issue and have to fork out an untold amount of money ourselves? OR... gut it out til Monday afternoon and only pay the $55 deductible?? We were frantically mulling this over when Cooper calmly walked up to me and informed, "Mooom, Karcyn's getting up on the fireplace." Karcyn has just learned how to climb up on things (chairs, tables, bar stools) and out of her high chair, in the past few days. Climbing up on the fireplace didn't surprise me, but I needed to deter her from this. What did surprise me (as Jared and I were still deciding what to do) was what I found...Karcyn IN the fireplace. With everything that had been happening this morning, I think I was just a few pieces of straw away from quite possibly starting to cry. I quickly hung up with Jared who was going to call the tech back and say thanks but no thanks and I surveyed the scene for the necessary Karcyn extraction. That's when I realized the "damage" was done.

Good for you! You might as well grab the camera in these moments, they will be gone so quickly!
Oh my gosh. Man, that warranty company sucks! You paid extra for it so you want to to pay for itself. Hope it all works out. Here in freezing Utah, we bought a Little Buddy Portable Propane Heater that's awesome and we've already had to use it twice!
PS. I'm so glad you found me and that you blog now...this is great!
Jenn-we have pictures of Ali doing the same thing. My mom has pictures of my brother doing it three times, finally the third time she left him in the fireplace til my dad got home. Good thing we can laugh about this stuff, even if it is after we have a good cry (which I have had my share these days). It was wonderful to talk to you-I miss you. I know I am just a drop in the bucket when it comes to your list of friends but I will always remember how nice you were to me when we moved to Forest Grove (not only because you had to be because you were my v.t. ha ha). Natalie still cries when Sam goes to Scouts-she doesn't understand why she can't go to Boy Scouts. hmmm, maybe because she is a girl? back to unpacking my boxes.
Those pictures are priceless! She is such a doll! We miss you!
Ewwww, that is lovely! I'm sure she got her daily serving of carbon.
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