Jake turned the big 8 years old on December 27th.
Oh my....you know you're getting old when your first child turns eight and is about to be baptized. Jake hasn't had his birthday party with friends yet; that's always saved for one month after his birthday to allow everyone time (mom especially) to get back into normal activity after the holidays. But we always have our family party on his actual birthday. As stinky as 2 days after Christmas is for a birthday, I think it would be even worse to have been born on Christmas day. So far Jake hasn't complained.

We were at the grocery store earlier in the week getting our stock up for the holidays. When we passed the baking section with candles, Jake held up a big '8' and said we should get that for his cake. As usual, I said "No, we don't need it. We have candles at home." Once it came to topping his cake with his candles, I found that in fact we didn't have any. And Jake was given yet another opportunity to prove me wrong and say "I told you we needed that candle." So here is a picture of our safest birthday cake yet and Jake blowing out imaginary candles. He was a very good sport.
1 comment:
OK, this made me laugh! I wouldn't have noticed there were no candles if you hadn't said anything...how observant am I? I have to say that picture of Cooper's arm around Jake is soooo cute! I love how much h loves his bro!
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