With warmer weather around the corner, we decided to have our kitty, Madras, get a summer shave yesterday. We'd never done this before and thought we were doing her, and us, a service by getting rid of that thick fur she has, for a couple of months.
She has BEAUTIFUL coloring and is soooooooooooooo soft. Here's a picture of her peacefully sleeping in the corner of the living room before I so rudely disturbed her to take her to her grooming appointment.

This is a picture of her after we first got her last year. She's put on a couple pounds of weight, but that's the only difference.

Jared went to pick her up after work. He informed me that the groomer had warned him & all of us, not to laugh at Madi. (Okay, this is an animal, people. Not a child--though the groomer did refer to Madras as my "baby" when I dropped her off and I assured the gal I had 4 babies of my own in the car and Madi was my pet. I'm sure she thought I was heartless.)
When Jared took Madras out of the carrier, I was shocked!!
Ohhhh Madi!! What have we done???

You look like a......a.....RAT!! Ugly. Somehow that's NOT what I was envisioning. I don't know about Jared, but I'm not sure I'd do it again either.

Poor thing. She probably feels totally violated and I wouldn't blame her one bit. We tried not to laugh at her, but it couldn't be helped.
Karcyn looked at her and said, "Madi got a hair cut!" Then she added, "Why is Madi brown?" She looks so different and...scrawny sick. There's not much to her when you take the fur off. Though we were at the vet a month ago and the vet confirmed she's a healthy 7 lbs.
Well....Madi....what's done, is done. And as some people try to console others regarding hair cuts gone bad--it'll grow back. However, it will be interesting to see how her fur grows back in. I've heard the coloring and patterns can change. Time will tell.
Apparently Madi's shaved fur will be donated to help in the oil spill clean up efforts. I'm sure her fur will be a monumental contribution. Instead of "locks for love", it's "fur for favors". And hopefully she will remember she's a cat and not an overgrown, fluffy-tailed rat.
That is flippin' hilarious!
Can they cut it next time and not just shave it? That is pretty dang funny. Poor kitty. I guess you have to try everything at least once.
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