I haven't had a "first hair cut" in almost 5 years. Karcyn is 4 and has never once had her hair cut, not even a trim. Though she's been begging to after watching Calving get his done. We waited until Cooper was almost 3 to cut his and it was more out of fear for our personal safety. It had to be quick because he had to be held down to get the job done. How a 25 lb. kid can be stronger than two adults is beyond me.
I hoped and even believed that Calvin would do good for his hair cut (you know how the saying goes: hope for the best, expect the worst, take what comes) but until we did it, I wasn't sure what we were in for.
My heart leaped with joy and pride when Calvin climbed up on that booster seat and sat like an ANGEL. I told Ruby, Calvin's stylist, that it needed to be short all over...super short. If we were going to do this, we might as well do it so we wouldn't have to be back any time soon.

Before Ruby started cutting, she looked at me knowingly, made sure I was looking square in her eyes and once she had my full attention she said very slowly..."Do you realize how much of a big boy he's going to look like if we cut it short?" I assured her I did and although I didn't need the clarification, it was nice of Ruby to prepare me for what was to be coming. (Once she saw the other three kids sitting in the waiting area and discovered they were mine she said more to herself than me, "Oh, you've been through this before.")
And then she began. Calvin didn't freak out at the water being sprayed on his head. He didn't squirm when Ruby started combing and snipping with the scissors.

He didn't say a word. He just sat there.

Ruby and I showered Calvin in praises for being such a little man. Then she called him "Mr. Serious." Which is funny to us, considering this post from his early baby days. http://jjcrew.blogspot.com/2008/06/mr-seer-wee-us.html
I don't have a picture of it, but Ruby got out the trimmer, er "tickle machine", and showed it to Calvin before she used it and he continued his perfection and sat so still.
10-15 minutes later and voila!
I had a NEW CHILD!! Who WAS this kid??

Oh boy...
Fortunately, I was sooooooooooo proud of Calvin for being Mr. Awesome that it overruled any sadness I might have had for the loss of the locks. (Ruby was kind enough to save the first curls she cut in a little memory pamphlet for me.) When we went to Fred Meyer I bought him a whole bag of cookies as a reward. I wish I could have done more. He deserved it!
I thought it would take some major getting used to, but I'm okay with the new look. Except that now, he looks like he should be potty trained!

ahhh, way to go girl! Now *that* is a cute little BOY! :)
He really does look so (SO!) cute and grown up!
I'm always sad to do the first haircut too, but then I'm so glad I did because they look SO handsome! It's nice to have a girl and let her curls grow as long as I like though!
Oh my goodness, he looks adorable! I can't believe you haven't cut Karcyn's hair yet. It looks so good, you would never know.
Amazing how grown up they look with a new hair cut isn't it.
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