That morning, as they were getting dressed in the tent, Jared told the boys to take off their dirty underwear and put a clean pair on. Jacob informed Jared he wasn't wearing underwear. Jared peered at him suspiciously and asked, "What do you mean you don't have underwear on?" Well, I guess Jake had remembered something Jared said earlier. When you're camping, if you take off your socks at night, your feet will stay warmer because they are usually wet with sweat from during the day and they won't get as cold. Apparently Jake had made his own personal application and decided if he took off his underwear he wouldn't be as cold down there. According to Jake, he was plenty warm enough!
Friday was a nice, lazy day around the campfire, where we enjoyed yet another beautiful day, each other, and the nature around us.
We were thrilled to discover that there were several requirements that Jake could pass off working towards his Wolf badge in Cub Scouts while in Alaska. Grandpa was the perfect Akela for teaching Jake how to tie knots. It didn't take Jake long before he was roping things and people with his newly acquired knowledge. When we went to say goodnight to the boys, Jake had tied Cooper's hands together and strung the rope up through the top of the tent and down the side, holding his brother hostage. I'm not sure that's what the Boy Scout program had in mind for using this new skill.
During the course of the day:
*Karcyn sat on Grandma's lap and brushed up on her current events, Jake read about birds in Alaska, Jared read his book, Grandpa messed with the fire, Cooper battled fake enemies with stick sabers and I attempted a crossword puzzle and failed.
*We played "I'm Going on a Picnic" (a Lee family tradition). Amazingly, Cooper had one of the better memories, too.

*We all played cards. Calvin was on Grandpa's team. Amazingly, Jared won the spelling game. Now how did that happen? I edit all his papers!
*Another scouting requirement is to prepare and cook an outdoor meal. So Jake made hobo dinners for us. He sliced the carrots and potatoes, seasoned the meat, assembled the meals and wrapped them in foil before putting them around the hot coals.

*While dinner cooked, the boys made good use of their time and went fishing in the canoe.
*Calvin roasted his own marshmallow (with a little help from Mom).

*And we had to end the day with a family picture taken around 9pm.

It makes me want to go camping....although we just got back from Mississippi and staying in a Condo for a change sure was nice.....
gorgeous! And I love Quiddler!
Good job on dinner Jake! That does look like a beatiful area.
I told Josh about the underwear incident. He says he does that at scout camp all the time - and it does keep you warmer. Silly kids.
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