Monday, April 8, 2019

Elder Jake Hough, 4.8.19--week 37

"There Can Be Miracles--And WILL Be Miracles--When you Believe"


Well, I guess I could start this with just clearing out the elephant in the room......


But seriously, I didnt hear it until this morning, when a fellow missionary screamed it into my ear through our smart not so smart phones, and I couldnt believe it. I couldnt. But I did. And I have been laboring with all my heart to bring the blessings of the temple to the beautiful people of Hungary, and in the Lord's own time, he did it, he brought it forth, and we all are so pumped up. We are literally electrified. I am Electrified. I feel the power that that statement brings, to preach repentance to this nation. I set the goal with the Lord and myself before I left, that there would be a temple announced for Hungary before I was finished, and I kept that in my heart. (He actually wrote about that goal in his journal while he was in the MTC back in August and when he went back to find the specific entry, he almost broke down in tears of gratitude.) But I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that "there will be miracles when you believe." And when oyu believe and act on that belief. What a blessing this will be! I can't even start to go off on it, seeing the problems these people go through. So, so amazing. How great thou art comes to mind as well. My heart is full with gratitude and thanks. Guess I'd better start saving for the open house and dedication....LETS GO!!

That being the most recent news since we dont see the afternoon session of Conference on sunday, lets take a step back and look at the week. There was a LOT. And it was all pointing the the hastening of the work and the fact that as we move forward, the gap between the righteous and the wicked is getting larger, its super apparent. And the gap between those that want to follow God and dont is also getting wider. Also apparent. Let me share an experience about this. 

We were on exchanges with the Szolnok Elders in Misckolc, getting ready for the day on Wed, and I get a call from a member in the area. This is what the dialogue seemed like to me.

"Hello, this is hough elder!"
"Hi hough elder, mountainous Zsolt here (thats his legit name)."
"What can I help with today?"
"Well, can yall meet with me at the church building today ina bout an hour?"
*I look down at my pajamas, not yet having showered*
"Um, yeah, but can I ask why?"
"Hehe, thats funny you should ask. You see Id like to meet with yall and my wife cause she would like to be baptized, so can we meet areound 10?"
*I spit out the water I was drinking in shock*
"Uhhhh, yeah totally! We can be there early too!"
"Great, thank you so much. do you have teaching pamphlets?"
"Bring all of them."

You better believe we scooted our missionary butts right on over there just as fast as we possibly could. We got there, met with them before 10, talked a bit, and then gave a powerful Restoration lesson, and asked her to be baptized into the true church of God. She then accepted the invitation to be baptized on June 1st, 2019...It was a perfect lesson, perfect everything. She already prays, reads the book of mormon, watches conference, everything. She's basically just taking the lessons as protocol and for knowledge. Super, Super crazy experience. It was a testimony to me that those who are prepared will find the church, and that this time we have to gather Israel, its running out. Its coming down to the wire, and every day matters. And if we are to be able to help others in this darkening world, we have to keep our light burning bright, and ask my now favorite question for self reflection: Am I careful, or casual about my covenants? My prayers? My scripture study? My Sabbath observance? The more we strengthen ourselves, the more we can help ourselves, those we love, and those that are around us. I am constantly changing and adjusting what I do, how I do, so that I can be more effective as a missionary to bring as many children of God as I possibly can closer to stepping into the temple that will be here before we know it. I know this is the truth. We are building Zion, and it will be here before we know it! I love this gospel, y'all, and my Savior. He is why I am here, and why I love this work.

Szeretlek Benneteket! (I love you all!)

Hough Elder

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