Monday, April 22, 2019

Elder Jake Hough, 4.22.19--week 39


"Riding down the street, Sittin next to my BUDDY, cause thats my favorite seat-yeah! on the Bus *chck! PCHOOO!* Riding on the Bus!" (a tribute to "Blues Clues" :)


Well I must say that this last week was a doozy of a week, and only lasted about as long as a blink of one of my eyes, which is not COOL at all! These things cannot go this fast though they do! I Wanna serve a mission for 14 years! Is that too much to ask? Maybe.

To start off, the missionary game is changing in two huge ways. The first is a story. We have been really going hard on the finding recently, just trying all we can to just gogogo and find people to teach with urgency, and we have been tryveling aLOT from place to place by bus. Well, I am not a great public transportation missionary in the sense that you go up and sit next to a random person and just start talking to them. Its not like they are going anywhere, like on the street. Like you they are stuck, and if you sit next to the wrong person and start trying to talk about Jesus, it could get real awkward real fast. But, because I am a full time missionary and not a missionary on the streets, in the church building and in lessons missionary, I decided now was a better time than ever to start trying to up my game and share the gospel more effectively. Hehehe.....*stares off into the distance with a pained look on his face*

It was pretty hard and awkward to start. It really was. I tried! I was guns a blazing going for it, and some of the most awkward moments from my mission happened this week from just the obvious fact that I wnated to talk, and they sometimes didnt. I didnt force anyone to talk, but there was a lady that I sat next to that was "as cold as ICE!", and it was apparent. I asked her where she was going, what she did for work, and all I got for it was 1 word responses and a head turn to the window in obvious disdain. Ok, so you wanna play it that way huh kid? Basically I felt like she wasnt interested but I kept pressing for information ever so slightly using easter as the leeway. and somehow, someway. not by my doing she opened up slowly and we started talking about her work and god and why he allows people like young mothers and babies to die super young, and I was able to bear strong testimony of the reality of Heavenly Father and his infinite love for us, and that as we turn to Christ we can find peace and grow. It was a great touch, a good seed planted. It was because I "sat in my favorite seat" haha! 

The other thing that has been announced officially that EVERY missionary has been waiting for is the announcement and soon to be rolled out SMARTPHONE usage! Hallelujah! The p days are going to be sooooo much easier, looking people uip will be SOOOO much easier, I wont get stranded in no falus by kutyázing investigators no more!! Its gonna change the game. ITs Changing! I am pretty hyped as yall can see. That is ok. I wear it on my sleeve. 

The last thought for this week I learned and heard from my good friend here in the mission. Very wise friend. He said

"Sometimes, we 'SHOULD' on ourselves too much." 

By this he means that we say I should be this cool, I should be that cool, I should be athletic, I should be pretty (or handsome), I should be better at test taking, I should be SMARTER, I should be a better prayer, Mother, Father, brother, priesthood holder. You get the idea. But the thing is, you shouldnt be anyone BUT YOURSELF. BE YOU. The person that you were before you came to earth, and the one you are now. Embrace your personalities,traits, and strive to be better. But dont should on yalls selves. it is not healthy. As we come to realize who we are, children of the Living God, and that we have infinite worth, we are able to accpet who we are, where we are, and faithfully push forward towards the perfect day, knowing it wont come in this life, but later, and in Christ. Be You! And be willing to make the changes slowly and persistently by the grace of the Atonement of Jesus Christ everyday. 

Love yall, hope you have a great week! the transfers come this week, so I wont email until tuesday, ugyhogy ne aggodjatok! Leszek ott! (So dont worry! Ill be there ;))

Szeretlek Benneteket!

Hough Elder

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