Tuesday, September 17, 2013

JJ turns 2

JJ's birthday was Sunday, August 11th. We aren't big party animals here at the Hough house, but we wanted to make his day special by having the McCulloughs over for dinner. JJ and Wes are bestest buds. JJ runs away from us when he sees Wes. Although the other day, I will say that JJ actually acknowledged Bev with Wes in the close vicinity :)

I invited another guest to join us...a young man named Jakob who regularly sits with us on the "McHough" bench during Sacrament meeting. He is a recent high school graduate and convert to the church. He's very sweet to allow the kids to sit by him (and on him). We are very grateful for his tolerance of our children on Sundays. A dinner invite was the least we could do!

I debated about what to have for dinner and finally decided on Pasta Florentine...a spinach and pasta dish. It's JJ's favorite. Every other Hough loves it too. Although, I worried about our dinner guests. Not because they're ungrateful or picky--far from it. But because what your family likes, isn't necessarily something that will satisfy the palates of another, I worried they might not like it. It was meatless for one. Had spinach for another. I know I shouldn't worry about things like this, but I do!

Much to my great relief, dinner was well received and we had a lovely and lively dinner with our friends.

After we ate, we had JJ open his gifts. We got it all on video (and not any photographs, of course) but JJ got a Blue's Clues DVD about shapes and colors from Karcyn and Calvin, a big word book from Jake and Cooper, a toy airplane from Mom and Dad, a generous $20 from Aunt Kelly and Uncle Steve, $2 from Great Grandma Nina and the crème de la crème....a big nerf ball and a Velcro catch game with another ball from the McCulloughs. JJ is BALL CRAZY. If there's a ball nearby, JJ will find it, spot it, go to it, get it, attach himself to it, etc. He's like a moth to a light when it comes to balls.

Then it was time for marble birthday cake. Before the McCulloughs left, we decided on a whim to take a group picture...with the tripod.

It took a couple of attempts, here's the test shot.

And the "real" shot. Can't get more real than that...bunny ears and everything.

(Back row, left to right: Calvin on Josh's lap, Jakob, Karcyn on Bev's lap, JJ on Wes' lap--I'm sensing a theme here--and Cooper. Jake, Jared and me on the floor.)


happyhart said...

Sounds like birthday parties are fun at your house too! Victoria got boxed mac and cheese and hot dogs for her birthday (her favorite founds though she rarely gets them). I was so worried about the other guests I almost apologized; I did add some veggies for the parents at least.

Kim-the-girl said...

Wow, what a fun family you are with such great friends to share special events with! Ethan and I are headed through OR to go to a conference in Seattle, we were thinking if stopping to see some old friends, let me know if you might be open to a quick visit the last Sunday of October.