Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wardrobe malfunction

Last Friday was picture day at school. We had recently received some hand-me-downs for Karcyn and we selected one of those outfits for her school pictures. I'm pretty sure I had her try it on since she's still small for her age and I just never know with pants.

The bottoms (a skirt with attached leggings) seemed to fit. I recall them being just a smidge loose, but nothing that would be a hindrance for her. Better to be loose than too tight, right?


After school on Friday, the first thing out of her mouth was "My pants fell down at recess."

Oh no! "I'm so sorry, Karcyn. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." And that was that.

Yesterday, while I was volunteering at the school in Karcyn's classroom, her teacher Mrs. Hugelier  asked if I had heard about Karcyn's wardrobe malfunction on picture day. Sheepishly, I told her I was made aware of the situation by Karcyn herself when she came home from school.

Mrs. Hugelier said Karcyn had mentioned her pants were falling down in class earlier that day. Mrs. Hugelier thought they were maybe too small and were being pulled down when Karcyn was sitting and didn't think to look into it or she would have pinned them for her.

As I was leaving the school, Mrs. Hanzel, from the library, was in the front office. She asked me if I had heard about Karcyn's pants last week. I smiled, nodding and said I had. Mrs. Creek, the secretary, piped up and said she heard that when it happened Karcyn was just standing there, crossing her arms to shield the front of her, screaming and laughing. Apparently Karcyn thought it was funny and that there was no real urgency to get those pants up. Mrs. Hanzel responded that she hadn't seen that reaction at this particular recess and Mrs. Creek said that another recess duty teacher had told her about it. Sooooo...apparently it happened in two different recesses or twice in one.

*sigh* That's not exactly how I want our reputation to be known around the school. Needless to say, those bottoms are now at the bottom of Karcyn's drawer until she gets a little bigger. Fortunately, it appears that Karcyn is "no worse for the wear" :)

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