Friday, October 26, 2012


A couple of weeks ago, Karcyn was dutifully sitting at the dining room table, anxiously engaged in her spelling homework. Doing homework with her is a dream--because I don't have to do it with her. She's a total self-starter and when I even mention the "h" word she lights up and happily complies with my suggestion to get it done. But only when she's mildly sidetracked. Usually she's the one that reminds ME she needs to do her homework.

Fortunately, we have no academic concerns with Karcyn. (We feel so blessed considering this same child wasn't speaking just 3 years ago!) Once we agree on what task she's going to do, I can walk away and supervise another child.

Karcyn's assignment this particular afternoon was to use half of her spelling words in a sentence. One of the words was "am".  She came looking for me so she could show me her work, which was a little unusual for her. She usually waits for me to come check it. But she was so proud of her sentence. It read:

I am a child of God.

My mommy heart just melted! It was absolutely precious. First of all, she used the spelling word correctly :) Secondly, she not only thought of a fantastic sentence, she recalled the most IMPORTANT sentence she could ever remember. I was so thrilled with her sentence choice, that I wrote a note to the teacher (whom I volunteer for regularly and who has also been to our Primary Program in the past) to tell her that Karcyn came up with that sentence all on her own and how happy it made me to see it printed in Karcyn's sweet first grade handwriting.

Last week, Karcyn was writing sentences again using her spelling words. For the word "came", she again wrote all on her own:

I came to earth from Heavenly Father.

Little does Mrs. Hugelier know she's getting the first missionary discussion on the sly from Karcyn :)

1 comment:

Kim-the-girl said...

That is pretty awesome! I think my heart would melt too! My kids invited people to church for yesterday and we spent 20 minutes before church knocking doors to pick them up... no one was ready, but it still made me feel so proud of them!