Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mystery solved

I've been packing the kids' lunches this year in divided plastic containers. They also take a metal fork and reusable water bottle. To be honest, I was a little worried that these things wouldn't make it  home each day. Much to my surprise, the kids have been perfectly diligent about bringing it all back.

Karcyn's water bottle is blue and I remember seeing it Tuesday after school on the counter. She was drinking out of it.

When I went to pack it up on Wednesday morning, I couldn't find it anywhere. I was seriously stumped. I could have sworn I had seen it the day before, after she got home. Then a scary thought occurred to me. Maybe my brain isn't as sharp as I thought. Perhaps the days really were running into each other and it was actually two days prior that I had seen the water bottle...even though I was almost certain I had just seen it. Before she left for the day, I suggested to Karcyn that she might have left it at school and to take a look there.

I volunteered in Karcyn's class a few hours later and her teacher said they looked for the water bottle, but couldn't find it in the room. I told Mrs. Hugelier it was okay. I explained that she has a brother at home who likes to take things. Maybe Calvin knows where it is.

As I did the last bit of tidying up last night in the kitchen area, my eyes were drawn to the area by one of our floor vents. (I caved in yesterday and turned on the heat. I still don't get how 68 degrees on the "cool" setting is so much colder than 68 degrees on the "warm" setting. And despite the gorgeous sunny autumn days this past week, our house hasn't gotten above 70 degrees, making it colder inside than it has been outside. But not anymore.)

The furnace kicked on last night and the heat was blowing so much that the papers taped to the wall nearest the vent were doing some serious flapping. That's when I saw the vent grate had been moved over to the side, exposing the entire vent space. I bent over to slide the grate back in place and this is what I found...

Hmmm. I had the right idea. Wrong brother. JJ was the swiper. And I had stumbled upon his secret stash. How did I know? That's Calvin's green water bottle. The most perplexing thing is when JJ hid this stuff (also including Jake's tennis ball, a small blue car, and about 19 magnetic letters--which was all my short arm could reach...who knows what else is down there!). It's rather impressive and somewhat disturbing considering how open and relatively small our house is with 7 people in it.

Jake said now that I've blown his cover, JJ will be forced to find another secret hiding spot :)

The best part...not having to say I'm sorry for a) accusing Calvin of taking Karcyn's water bottle and for b) issuing a consequence because he's the least trustworthy child in our family. Calvin is not the child you want to be beholden to.


JandS Morgan said...

Oh, that's too funny! I've heard of kids having secret stashes like that, but have never seen it before.

Kim-the-girl said...

That is SO funny!!!