Tuesday, September 1, 2009

'Tis the Season to be Jolly....

Have you seen the STAPLES commercial from a few years back where the song, "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" is playing over the intercom, a father is skating joyfully down an aisle on a shopping cart dancing to the music overhead while his kids are unwillingly trudging behind him with scowls on their faces? The commercial is ushering in, not the Christmas holidays, but Back-to-School days. I think it's hysterical.

Yesterday Jake told our friends from Forest Grove and his social studies teacher that we happened to ran into at Winco that he cannot WAIT for homework because his summer has been soooo boring. He later amended his statement to me by saying that some weeks were lots of fun. (Wise choice, Young One.)

Today in one of his usual meltdowns, Cooper stomped to his room and slammed his door while yelling "I can't WAIT to go back to school!!" I rolled my eyes at the dramatics, smiled slyly from the other room and murmured under my breath, "That makes two of us."

I guess that wasn't really fair of me to include Cooper's outcry. He's had a rough summer altogether due to his own actions and choices. But I thought it was fitting since I have never heard him so eager to get to school. And I'm sure he meant it. He's been pretty miserable, making his mother miserable by association many times, with his inappropriate knee-jerk, 2 year-old reactions to EH-VER-REE-THING. At this time, one would think I'd actually be requesting the windows of heaven to bless his teacher this year. Though I do pray for my children's teachers, Cooper has proven to me over and over again this summer, that he's a gem for everyone BUT me.

So, all in all, summer was just boring enough (whether through my doing or through self-imposed misery) that the kids are chomping at the bit to get back to school. Mission accomplished.


Rachel said...

Oh my heavens! I've had that song in my head all week! I too remember the commercial. I was feeling so guilty yesterday because I was talking to a mom who was "so sad" summer was over and she was losing her "good helpers." I felt guilt all day because I am feeling so ready to get back to a routine, and I can feel that my children are craving it. Hurray for kids excited for school!

Kendra Goodrich said...

What a good mom you are (no matter what you may think, I think you're a great one). I hope beginning school goes well for the boys.