Here are the kiddos minus Calvin before the race. Karcyn is sporting my shirt.

Jake, Stephanie and I headed to the starting line around 8:50am while Jared took the other kids to 22nd Avenue to wait for us to pass.
I had to ask Jared about this picture. I guess Calvin got mad when Jared put him down and decided to lay down on the path. That doesn't even look comfortable.

When the alarm sounded for us to start, I told Jake "go, Jake! Run!" We were near the front and I didn't want him getting trampled. Gosh, we hadn't made it halfway down that street when I lost sight of him. He just took off! He was so quick, Jared wasn't expecting him and got a blurry shot. At least he's smiling. Jared and Jacob (Steph's hubby) were afraid Jake came out waaaay too fast and that he'd tank shortly after.

Stephanie passed me before we left that street too. That's also when the token jogging stroller passed me as well. Yup, everyone and everything passes Jenn.

And this is Jake coming back down 22nd Avenue, still running strong.

And he's still smiling. How come he doesn't look tired? Or sweaty?

And there's Steph. I heard she and Jake had a fight for the finish. And Jake beat her :)

And here comes Jenn, the running caboose. Very tired and very sweaty!

And wondering why the heck I put myself through this year after year?!

Here we are after catching our breath, those of us who needed to, waiting for the awards. It also started to rain, but that felt good.

Yay for Jake! He took first place for his age group (0-13 years)! Time: 29:49? (He thought it was 30:03 but Steph later found out she came in at 29:50 and he barely beat her)--Very impressive. I'm glad he doesn't get his running from me. I couldn't run a mile in college.

Yay for Steph! She took 2nd place for our age group!! (This is her second, 2nd place ribbon 2 years in a row!) Time: 29:50

Go ME!! I got third place in our age group (30-34). My first ribbon for anything physical! (And yeeehss, there were ONLY 3 of us in that group running this year. But so what?) Time: 32:50. I just looked back and saw my time last year was 32:48. You can't get much more consistent than that.

It's going to be hard to beat this year's run with ribbons!

Ah, mother-son running -- my dream! Maybe someday!
First of all, I CAN NOT believe how grown up Jake looks!!!! How long have I been gone?!?!?! That is awesome that you both did the race. Last year I did a race with my kids, I had Levi and Bryant in the stroller and Eliza on my back, Jonas ran the whole way. It was really fun to have them all get out and race to the finish line. You are amazing! I love seeing you and Steph doing so well! I miss you guys so much!!!
GO JAKE GO!! and you too of course! He is so baby...
Wow, he is sure fast (as one who has never run before.) Congrats to both of you.
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