Piano bench BEFORE...

Piano bench AFTER!

When I was getting my piano keys recovered back in 2007, I found a guy who handcrafts piano benches. He did a great job on ours. He would have finished it for me too, for another $200. Yikes. I hadn't budgeted that, so I opted to leave it natural with the idea I would stain and finish it myself. I've never done anything remotely like that before and thought it might be a good first project. Two years, 4 months and one child later, complete with step-by-step directions from my sister-in-law Chris, and a tip from my friend Rachael in proper rag disposal, I finally stained the bench. I am soooo pleased with how it turned out. I have more craft-type failures than successes so this was good for my crafting confidence. And more importantly, the wood is now protected from wandering pens and markers clenched in toddler hands.
Family room window before...

Family room window...AFTER!
Okay...case in point about my crafting failures. I KNEW...deep down, no matter how hard I tried, I would not get the lengths of these curtains the same. Again, I've had this fabric since BEFORE Calvin was born 16 months ago. It frays and stretches so I was doomed from the beginning. It was July 3rd and it was going to be hot that weekend. I figured it was now or never. I did the left panel first. It took me 4 HOURS to get the first panel done. Why? Because I don't use my sewing machine but every couple of years, so we had to spend the first TWO hours getting reacquainted. Fortunately the second panel only took a fraction of the time. Now I remember why I don't sew. It is STILL painful for me to look at these curtains side by side. But, in my lack-of-crafting-defense, they weren't sewn for looks, they were sewn for relief from the blaring afternoon sun. And they are a HUGE help so that softens the blow a little.
Side yard before...

and before...

Still before...

and...Side yard AFTER!

I went to Alaska unexpectedly the night of July 4th for a few days (more details on that later). While I was gone, Jared used his "time off" to make some needed changes and wanted to surprise me with this new transformation. He employed about 7 teachers and priests from church and over 2 1/2 days they created this lovely new walkway on the north side of our house. It looks SO MUCH BETTER. And the pea gravel is beautiful when it's wet...which is good in our climate. Jared's a little bummed, however. The gravel hasn't settled like he thought it would so it's soft, making it hard to get the heavy trash cans and lawn mower out front. He'll probably replace the gravel with pavers later. But for now, this is more than adequate. I've hated the that side of the house since we bought it. It's been a work in progress, but I love it! Thanks for the gift, Babe!
Jenn's hair before...

Jenn's hair AFTER!

My dear friend and other mother Vickie called me a couple weeks ago and asked if I was thinking about getting my hair cut. Indeed I had been considering it. It was way too long. So long that it was at the annoying stage...even pulled back in a pony tail or a clip, it was still falling in my face when I leaned over. Vickie said that her hairdresser was in need of a hair model as his studio was bringing in an educator from the Paul Mitchell school for continuing education and asked me if I was interested. I said I was. I was told the model would need to be willing to have her hair cut between the shoulders and chin. I've never gone above my shoulders so I was a little worried, but I trusted the educator. As you can see, my hair is still pretty long. She was so moved with my hair color, as were the other stylists, (and apparently I have great texture too--they ooooed and ahhhed over that as well--) that she couldn't bear to cut off more than she did. The way I figured it, it's just hair and it'll grow back. But before we began, I told her I trusted her. And hey, the haircut was free and Vickie offered to watch my kids as well. You can't get a deal better than that! The rep from Paul Mitchell gave me a "Liza" haircut, obviously with layers. She also used a flat iron on it to show the stylists her layers in more detail. Whoa, that was an eye-opener! I didn't think my hair could look flatter than it already did. That was cool to see the difference. The stylists said it made my hair look "smoother." I liked the look, but because I don't own a flat iron (am I calling that by the correct name?) I won't be able to reproduce that style ever again. But my hair definitely has more lift and flow to it. As I was preparing to leave, these 8 stylists were all pawing my hair and running their fingers and combs through it. It was also interesting to hear the different terms and techniques they were throwing around as they watched the demonstration. As I sat there obediently quiet, I was amazed at the specific knowledge and art that is required in this field and consequently, I have an even deeper admiration and respect for hairstylists. I would definitely be a hair model for them again. Thanks Stage 4 Hair Design and thank you, most of all, VICKIE!
Wow! You look fabulous! The side yard looks fabulous too. Great job on the curtains and piano bench... you just need to give yourself more credit, you do great work!
Check you out. Kids slow us down but we eventually get it done and yours is great! You guys have been busy busy and it all looks awesome.
The haircut looks great! And I love the befores and after shots. I wish I'd take more, they just help you see how much is accomplished.
It is really great to see the befores and afters. I have been feeling bummed that I just don't seem to get enough done... Case in point went to make grape juice with my daughter-n-law... we made 15 qts of juice yesterday and it just didn't feel like much. Then we thought, we filled the dehydrator, made 15 qts of juice and used up about a ton and a half of grapes. Thinking about all of the grapes we washed and worked on I wish that we would have taken a picture to show how much we truly did do, I would have felt better.
Watch out for potty accidents on the wood. I can testify that pee can damage even a stained bench :)
Shame on me for not noticing the haircut. I bet you were the hairstylists dream come true.
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