So, lest I look like a real baaaad mom, here are some pictures of the not-so-big-event. That night was also Jake's spring music concert at school. Which Karcyn slept through entirely. The only chance we had for opening gifts was after the concert. That's why she looks groggy and her hair is all matted around her head in curls...from the sleeping sweat. On a side note, I've got to figure out how to get her hair to curl like that, without the sweat. I've tried getting it wet/damp with water and other spritzers, but there's something magical about sweating, then moving your head all over the place to create curls. If she wasn't so grumpy after falling asleep like that I'd love the curls even more!

The past few months, Karcyn has shown a real interest in puzzles and she's really good at them. She LOVES this fishy puzzle with the magnetic pole.

It was the birthday of cupcakes this year. Easy-peasy and quick in a time crunch. Besides, Karcyn didn't know they weren't homemade :)
See? YUM!

Karcyn is getting more and more personality by the day. She's extremely outgoing and full of love for everyone she meets. If she doesn't want to do something though, she folds her arms, scowls and says no. Although when we start counting, by 2 she's usually doing what we asked her to. She does get sent to time out but it's usually for her unnecessary screeching. And she stays until we call her out, which is sometimes a lot longer than we mean for it to be because we forget she's there. (Whoops).
Karcyn loves Cinderella. She's only watched it these past couple weeks and has several large parts memorized from Cinderella to the mice to the wicked step mother. Including the tones and actions. It is hilarious to watch, especially because her speech is still garbled.
Something funny and sometimes annoying is that Karcyn will out of the blue say "Hi Maw-ee" and if I say "Hi" back to her, she keeps right on saying it. The secret is to say "Hi Karcyn" back to her, I've discovered. And if you don't...she won't stop. She runs up to visitors at the house or that we meet whose names she doesn't know and says, "Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi." After 5 times or so, I tell the guest "You have to acknowledge her to make her stop." I've never had a parrot, but I'm thinking this little quirk of hers is very parrot-ish.
One thing I love about Karcyn is that she is soooooooooooooo grateful for any little thing you do for her and she says it with zeal. If you get her a drink she says, "Oh thank oo, Daa-ee." If you help her get dressed, get her a book, help her up, move a hair away from her face, wipe her bum, get her seat belt on, it's all exclaimed with "Oh thank oo!" I hope she never loses that grateful heart. It will take her many wonderful places.
She is sooo cute. She is like a little girl cooper. I can't believe she is 3 already, wasn't she just born?
Funny girl! I think I usually say Hi Karcyn right back... Happy birthday cutie!
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