Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bumpers and Blessings

Last Thursday I was driving home with Cooper, Karcyn and Calvin. I was just a couple miles away on Cornelius Pass Rd. when traffic was slowing down to a crawl. For some reason, I felt like I needed to check on Karcyn who sits directly behind me. I did a quick look, but did a double-take because I couldn't see her face. When I turned around, the traffic wasn't still slowing down, it had stopped. The pick up truck in front of me was so close, I couldn't see it's bumper. In the fastest millisecond, yet in slow motion, I simultaneously screamed, slammed on my brakes then we bumped into the pickup truck with a sickening crunch. Our force bumped the truck in front of us farther than it was when I hit it and both vehicles came to a stop.

My heart pounded, my hands started shaking. I'm such an idiot!! I've never hit anyone while driving. I pulled the van over to the side of the road as best I could. The pickup truck did the same. The kids were remarkably calm and fine. I, however, was a bundle of nerves. Stupid me! Now what??

It took me forever (30 seconds I'm sure) to get to my insurance card. I figured that was a start. I know you're not supposed to admit fault when in an accident, but c'mon! I've got more dignity than that. It was clearly my fault. He and I both know he didn't put his truck in reverse.

The next thing I know, an Asian man, about my parents' age is at my window. Shoot. I should have been out first. I rolled the window down and bless his heart, the first thing out of his mouth was, "Are you okay?" Well, no, not really. I just played bumper cars with our vehicles and I feel horrible about it.

I told him I was sorry, I had just turned around to check on my daughter. He poked his head in and asked if she was okay. I said yes, that we were fine. Then I handed him my insurance card. He looked at it and said "Yeah, my truck is okay and my wife is not hurt and you have a little dent in your bumper." He shook his head and said, "I don't want to cause hassle for you."

It's true...I hit the guy's towing hitch. His truck WAS okay. I told him to take my card anyway, in case something comes up later down the whiplash or truck issues. He shook his head. He wouldn't take it. I asked "Are you sure?" He said he was. He stuck his head in one more time and asked the kids personally if they were alright. Cooper said yes, that his seat belt worked. And the man wished us well before heading back to his truck. I started to cry at this point. In humiliation, at the horror of what could have been, and at this man's kindness. I told him thank you and wished him a Merry Christmas and they drove away.

The damage to our van is minimal but sadly will probably cost maximum. Eventually I'll get an estimate on the repair to see if it's worth making an insurance claim over. Even the State Farm agent was shocked the other driver wouldn't take my insurance info. or give me his. I included this sweet man in my prayers that night and hoped he would be blessed for blessing us.

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