Friday, November 21, 2008

Cooper is 6 years old for a day

The Coopster turned 6 on October 21st. After he got home from school, I had the fun task of taking him to the office to get his last dose of the Hep A vaccination. I know, I know. What kind of mother makes her son get a shot on his birthday? The Jenn kind I guess. In my defense, it wasn't premeditated. It just happened that way. In fact, we took Jake to get his flu shot the Friday before. I knew Cooper was due for his second dose, soon. I should have just done it all at the same time. But I didn't. And then the notice from the school regarding his deficiency in his vaccinations came on Monday. So Tuesday it was.

Cooper has had a real hard time taking medicines and getting shots. More so than just the average young child fear. Once, it took 5 adults in that office to hold him down just to give him some oral medicine a couple years ago. But the clouds have lifted. He was very brave when he got his first dose of the Hep A and his flu shot. So I had high hopes that this vaccine would be no problem. I guess he finds solace in squeezing the bulb on the blood pressure cuff because he squeezed the heck out of it and his face was rigid. Even after Elizabeth was done giving him the shot, he wouldn't relax because in his mind it wasn't over UNTIL the bandaid was placed over the injection site. We lost the bandaid for a few moments and it was funny to watch him start to panic because it wasn't ending as soon as he would like it. I stopped taking pictures and joined the bandaid hunt and we gave Cooper his much needed closure.

Cooper got a celebratory lunch from McDonalds more for his bravery in getting his shot than for his birthday. After dinner, we celebrated later that night with cupcakes and family gifts. He got to talk to his Aunt Kelly and Great Grandma Nina and was serenaded by Grandma and Grandpa Hough. He had a great day. However, before he went to bed that night, Cooper said "And now I'm almost 7 years old!"

1 comment:

Kim-the-girl said...

He is such a cute kid! He makes me smile every time I think about him. Way to go Cooper being so brave! You're awesome!