I have never been the mom to cry when my boys have gone to Kindergarten. And it's not because I don't have a heart or because I don't love them. Jake and Cooper have both spent an extra year at home with me because of their late birthdays and I think it's safe to say that all parties involved are finally glad when they can go to Kindergarten. They are ready and that makes me ready. (However, it will probably be an entirely different scenario when Karcyn goes to school. Man, that thought makes me want to cry right now!)
I had to laugh when I read that our principal was hosting a "Ya-hoo/Boo-hoo" gathering for the new Kindergarten parents this morning. We had a ya-hoo party here, but only because we're excited for him. Although, he didn't once look back either. Never said he was going to miss me (like I hear lots of boys and girls his age tell their mommies) and almost forgot to kiss me.
This is a doubly exciting year because Cooper gets to ride the bus in the morning with Jake. Jacob has been very protective and kind to Cooper these last couple of days as we've been gearing up for today. Supporting him and putting his mind at ease. That brings tears to my eyes more than anything else.

Bryant is a Bulldog too! I LOVE that Jake is taking care of his brother, what a great kid! Congrats on the new adventures Coop!
Sorry, I'm not sure why it had Ethan signed in...but alas that last one was from me!
For some odd reason FH isn't starting kindergarten till next thursday. All those poor parents with one more week with their kindergartners :)
Cooper looks so cute in that first picture!! Arwen is loving kindergarten!! How fun they are in the same class :)
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