At Calvin's 2 month well child check in July, Jared didn't come in to the exam room and allowed me to talk solely with Dr. Hicken about the matter. After giving the baby his check-up, Dr. Hicken agreed with me that although Calvin was gaining weight slowly, he was still on the growth chart line and said he didn't think supplementing was necessary. I guess after I left he told Jared to "lay off " and quit bothering me about it. To his credit he never mentioned it again.
At Calvin's 4 month check up on Wednesday the 10th, however, he hadn't gained much weight. He's a whoppin' 10 lbs 14 oz. Even Karcyn, my petite little girl, was 11 lbs. 3 oz. at 4 months old. Calvin's head circumference and length are growing as they should just not his weight. Everything looks normal and well with Calvin but this time Dr. Hicken reluctantly said he felt that I should try supplementing with a little bit of formula after I breastfeed him. As I looked at Calvin, I told Dr. Hicken I would if that's what he thinks is best. I know some mothers probably wouldn't if they really didn't want to, but I respect my doctor. I know he wouldn't ask me to do it if he didn't think it was important. He just wants Calvin to get as many calories and as much nutrition as possible at this age. Calvin is at .4% on the growth chart. Actually, he's not even ON the chart. Karcyn was barely on the line at 4 months and that didn't make sense to me. She was only 5 oz. heavier than he is at this age. That's when I learned that there are two different growth charts. One for girls and one for boys. Dr. Hicken then said "Now I know how you think...." (remember, I work for him, too, doing his billing stuff). He said "This is not a reflection on you. You aren't a bad mom. You didn't starve him. You've done nothing wrong." I THAT easy to read? He's right though. That is what I'd think.
I wanted to nurse Calvin as long as I could since he's my baby. But...I didn't instigate this change, so I don't feel that bad about it. I even went and bought a can of formula before going back home after the appointment and when I arrived, I announced to Jared "well, I won the battle but you won the war!"
Supplementing has gone very well. Calvin didn't even bat an eye when I gave him the bottle. Karcyn didn't like the texture of the nipple. Took her a while to get used to it. But Calvin just carried on as if nothing had changed. I'm only giving him 2 oz. after I nurse him and he just guzzles it down. (I thought I wasn't starving him!?)
I do think he's a little fussier since getting formula. I'm not surprised there. I'm even using the "gentlease" formula. Overall, I'm not complaining. The kids are enjoying feeding him, Jared too. It does give me a smidge more freedom. I am going to complain about the cost though. Buying formula is not in my grocery budget. The good news however is that he's not totally exclusively bottle fed. So I don't have to buy as much.
Looking back, I've always been an all-or-nothing person. Either we breastfeed or we bottle feed. I've never done both. It'll be interesting to see if he eventually weans off of me. I wouldn't be surprised. But I hope not because I'm okay with the current arrangement.
This is my little Guy Smiley. Isn't he adorable? He's discovered his voice and is making lots of different noises. We love to make him laugh which isn't too hard because he's very ticklish. He's also rolling over and scooting around and finds contentment in chewing on his fingers and fist. I could just kiss him all day.

Hey there! Don't you feel bad for one minute, Jenn! He is a happy baby and who cares if he gets a little extra! My father was fed canned milk mixed with karo syrup (that was his formula) and even he turned out to be a wonderful guy! :) Emilee is a little peanut too. . .
He is SO cute! I wish I could hold him and see him in all his cuteness! I can understand how you feel, I think I'd cry if the doctor told me to supplement, but only because I'm terribly irrational...I can totally say to you, don't feel bad! You're the best!
Hey Jen! It's Kasey from Kalamazoo!! Glad to find you on the blogs!! You're family has grown since I saw you last. Sounds like you guys are on a great adventure in your lives!! Your kids are adorable!!
Hey Jenn, I never worked at all and my kids are all 100% formula babies - they seem pretty smart and well adjusted so far so you should be okay!!! I never have seemed to be able to do things the normal way!! Ryan was jealous of your vacation to Alaska! Love ya - suz
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