It's been a lovely, spiritual day for us. We're so grateful for the free gift of the resurrection and we rejoice in the eternal truth that He Lives!
I was invited to sing in a quartet (two sopranos, two altos) with a viola during Sacrament meeting. It was a beautiful arrangement of "I Need Thee Every Hour". We nailed our parts and it was a real pleasure to do. This coming from the girl who gets pretty nervous when it comes to singing in front of people when it doesn't involve a choir.
I'm embarrassed to say this, but this year was the first time we've ever dyed eggs. Yes, it's true. Don't ask me why. It just never seemed like a big deal. So this year, I thought, why not? My family always did.We made plans to do this on Thursday, March 20th. We almost didn't do it this year either because when I went to go get eggs at the "oops, I forgot" store, they were $4.29 for a dozen and a half. I KID YOU NOT!!! I almost had kittens I was so stunned. Good grief. The way milk and pasta and eggs are going up in price, I'm going to have to adjust my food budget. Disgusting!
Needless to say, I could only afford to get one dozen eggs. I figured 5 for the boys and 2 for Karcyn. Bad math. Karcyn LOVED dying the eggs. A little too much I think. And of course, I only had 2 for her to do. We were dying them "Star Wars" style. She picked out Yoda all by herself. Clearly she did not have enough, so I gave her a plastic egg to play with and "dye". I swear she was obsessed. She couldn't keep her hands out and we couldn't keep her away. We had to block her from the kitchen while we cleaned up. I guess we'll be dying eggs again next year. So long as I don't have to take out a loan to purchase them!

If you want to know where Cooper was during all of this...he was in his room. He thought it would be funny to call Dad a jerk at dinner when Dad asked him to do something. Yeah....not a good idea. I don't think Cooper will be making that mistake again! And lest you think we're evil parents, Coop got to dye his eggs the next day.
We've never died eggs either. I hate to waste them since I'm the only one in the family that would eat them. Hence we do plastic eggs.
Where did you go for the eggs? Was it Winco that was that expensive? Food is definitely going up in price.
oops, should have written dyed :)
I've never dyed eggs with my kids either...I always mean to, but never get around to it. I'm glad you had fun!! Karcyn is too cute!! And that Cooper sure is a cute little mischievous one!
Hey, I've been wondering where you are. We miss the beach and you guys. I feel like food is getting more expensive, or maybe it's just I have 4 hungry kids to feed....
finally an update from you blog-slacker! ;)
Love the pics. Did you see the silk-dyed eggs on my blog? You'll have to try that one some time. I bet the kids would love to cut up some of Jared's old ties! haha.
how are you feeling???
I can't believe how stinkin' cute that girl of yours is! I can only hope for such luck this time around.
We haven't dyed eggs yet this year, its our FHE activity tonight. Bryant is really excited, he still remembers last year...once you start, you can't stop!
Glad to hear that Karcyn liked the eggs. We thought Jadyn would have been too young to enjoy it this year, but maybe we were wrong. We will have to start the tradition next year.
We usually dye eggs, but I got tired of making the dye, only doing a few eggs and then dumping the rest (not that the dye costs very much). A couple of years ago, we discovered painting them with craft paints. The kids take more time and put more effort into them this way. It does not work very well though if you don't give the eggs time to warm up (I cooked and refrigerated them Friday planning to do them Saturday and then forgot about them until almost bedtime.)
How fun Jen! Yes egg prices are so dumb! But the pictures are priceless right?
Jen! I think it's been nearly two years so you're allowed not to have a clue who I am but I found your blog while puttering around and just had to say hi.
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