What can I say? We are very proud of Jake. He has a good handle on the basic principles of the gospel. He knows the importance of serving others and how to right his wrongs. He was ready to be baptized but we always left the choice to him. He knew he couldn't be a member of Christ's church without doing so however and that's why he wanted to be baptized.
Jake was baptized with his friend from school, just the two of them from our ward. Jared baptized him, his grandpas were the witnesses, and his Uncle Kevin joined in the circle when Jake was confirmed. To make the day even more special, Cooper learned, in one week's time, both verses to the song "When I Am Baptized" (most Latter-day Saints know it as "I Like to Look for Rainbows") to sing with the two younger siblings of the other boy being baptized for the special musical number. Coop even made up his own "sign language" for it. Though he practiced it flawlessly in front of us, I was concerned he might get a little stage fright when in front of faces he didn't recognize. Or flat out refuse to go up there. Sometimes, you just don't know with that boy. But seriously, what was I thinking? This is Cooper. He likes to perform and be involved. And he did a fabulous job. What a little man in his new suit. And what a sweet gift to give his brother.
Thank you again to all the friends and family who could share this joyous time with us. It meant so much to have you there.

(By the way, how is it that we have not ONE picture with our extended family that came. How is that possible?? Who allowed that to happen??? ACK!)
1 comment:
Congratulations, Jake! I miss seeing you at piano lessons!
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