Here's the long and short of it. We've been doing research and getting ready for the home buying process since February, when we contacted a lender and agent. We weren't planning on buying a home for a couple years with the market such as it is (for those of you NOT in the Portland area, the market here has stalled, but hasn't hit rock bottom and maybe never will). It has been frustrating for us as first time buyers. No equity, no substantial down payment, a nice student loan payment and a decent salary. All those factors aren't a good combination. Or aren't good enough. It was especially hard to think about how much these homes were priced at 3-5 years ago. Regardless, we wanted to be prepared and ready because we knew it would only take one desperate seller and/or the right time of year (I feel guilty to think that we were hoping for another's misfortune! But not guilty enough I guess.)
We were locked into a year lease until August. After that it went month to month. We kept an eye on the market and spoke periodically with our agent, Cari, about what was happening. We didn't physically start looking at houses til the end of August, first of September. Only because we figured that was the best chance to find some deals, if they existed.
Working around Jared's work schedule and Jake's school schedule and lugging the kids with us every time we looked at a house was totally draining. I don't think we really saw more than a dozen homes, but it felt like triple that. And we didn't HAVE to move. How do people, who are under the gun, find a house in just a week or weekend? In fact, just a few days before we saw this house (pictured above), I told Jared I was done. I was tired of looking at homes. I just wanted to stay where we were and save money while paying down debt. All the decent homes are only 1200 sq. ft. (which is the size of the rental we're currently in) and though we went back and forth on the issue, we finally decided it wasn't worth stretching ourselves thin for a house that size. All the homes we saw over 1500 sq. ft. were dumps...dives. No joke. IF they were structurally sound to begin with, we would have had to rip up the carpet, maybe the sub flooring and put new carpet in and new paint just to get "smells" out before moving in. Even the kids couldn't stomach some of the smells. When we drove past this house and decided the neighborhood seemed decent enough to actually take a look inside, I was skeptical. I told Jared on the way over "I have no hopes for this house." Boy, was I ever wrong. Not only was it big (well, big to us), but move in ready. One of my few stipulations. I almost couldn't believe it. We saw it the morning of Thurs. Oct. 25th. Of course it was priced at $249,000, the very tippy top of our pre-approval range, that of course we couldn't afford, but we couldn't ignore it's condition and space for the price. (Just to give you an idea for price comparison...a house on our street right now is 1400 sq. ft. and priced at $276,900--3 bed, 2 bath). So we decided to look at it again that night, without the kids and see how we felt about it then. We still liked it. The sellers had relocated to AZ and the house had only been on the market a month. Cari thinks it hadn't sold yet because the backyard butts up to a busy street. Our rental now butts up to a lesser busy street, but there's a high school across the street and that hasn't bothered us.
So even though it was too expensive, we decided we had nothing to lose. Saturday morning, the 27th, we put in our offer. Our agent thought it was a reasonably low offer. Not a low ball, but low enough to give us some room to negotiate up. We were having to work through a relocation company which requires more paperwork than normal and is often slower than other situations. We didn't expect their counter offer til Tues. or Wed. of the next week. Later Saturday night as we were getting ready for bed, my cell phone rang. It was Cari. As I answered I was thinking "shoot, did we forget to sign something" or worse "the sellers totally rejected the offer". I missed the first part of what she said but she eventually announced "They accepted your offer!" Holy Schnikey!!!! In three days we saw a house, put an offer on it and it was accepted with no counter. We were all stunned. Cari insists we have "good vibes" but we know better than that! We feel so blessed. We had the inspection this past Thursday morning and as inspections go (even though this was our first) I think it went well. Nothing major came up to keep us from wanting the house. Our lender doesn't foresee any problems getting approved for a home loan (even with the new restrictions) so we're gearing up for a closing date of November 29th and moving over in December! Our heads are still spinning....
Congratulations! Are we still gonna be blessed to have you in our ward?
Congrats Jenn! I look forward to when we can move to a home. Post pictures after you move in!
Oh congratulations? I seriously love owning a home. Carlos and I were married for 8 1/2 years before owning a home, so we really appreciate is...as will you. And it always helps the stress a little when the people don't counter and you get a deal!
CONGRATULATIONS, Jen and Jared! I am sure this will be a big blessing for your family. Kim
This is so wonderful! Where is this house??? We'll miss having you so close!
Awesome!! Congrats on the new home! Home buying is stressful, but I am sure you'll love it when you make it your own!
I never did congratulate you- YAY!! That is so exciting. I want to see lots of pics when you move in :) By the way- we got Ty's shirt in the mail, thanks!
We haven't heard from you guys in a while!!! Congrats on the home purchase...I hate moving! We are now in Arizona City (about 20 minutes south of Casa Grande). I wasn't sure if you knew that. I need to figure out how to do this blog thing you have going on here, it's pretty cool. Anyways, have a great move! Talk to you soon!
Mike and Anna
Congratulations!!! We are so excited for you and a little jealous:)
Hooray for Houghs! One day our house will come...:) Congrats to you!
Congrats! That's awesome! Also, I'm excited to hear about your new little one too. Keep us posted!
I'm glad you guys were able to find a home, I'm sure you're ready to stay in one place for awhile. It will be so nice to have some extra space, especially with another little one on the way- congrats!
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