This was Karcyn on March 10, 2010, waiting for her 4 little friends to show up for her first party.

I was having trouble trying to figure out a theme for Karcyn's first birthday party. She doesn't really have any particular obsession, aside from puzzles. And believe me, I tried finding some ideas for a puzzle-themed party, but came up short. I'm just not creative enough to pull off something like that. Karcyn pretty much plays with her brothers' toys and their hand-me-downs. So...I recycled the outline I made for Cooper's 4th birthday and threw her a "Dinosaur" party. I felt a twinge of guilt for a) giving my ONLY daughter a non-girly party and b) re-using a plan I had already used on her brother. To the latter, doesn't that make me smart? :) And as for the first...what does one do when the friends Karcyn plays with most, are BOYS? I didn't think a party with pink and flowers and skirts would go over very well. But she does like dinosaurs and that seemed to be a safe choice in this case. It was a total bonus that I had already outlined a party with a dino theme already.

The party was a hit! We even had lunch, which was a first for me. The kids were so well behaved and we ended right on time. The only "problem" was that every time someone came to the door for the rest of the week, Karcyn thought they were coming to see her and bring her presents.
Karcyn's birthday was on a Wednesday and Jared was able to be excused from the Young Men's activity that night so he could stay home and celebrate with the family. We had her favorite for dinner: spaghetti and french bread (okay, so it's mom's favorite!). Then we cleaned up the kitchen and gathered all the gifts in the living room to open them up.

Then something happened. Jared got a call that was medical related that he couldn't avoid. So we waited for a couple of minutes. I puttered around in the kitchen while he was on the phone and took a picture of Karcyn waiting too.

The phone conversation did not end quickly. When it finally did, I thought we could get on with the gifts, but Jared had to do some follow up documentation on the computer and send in a prescription. I peeked in on Karcyn because she was really quiet and saw this:

She was the only one in the living room waiting to open all the gifts that surrounded her. Poor thing. Jared told me he was almost done, so I gathered the boys to come out for the celebration and we found this:

Karcyn said "forget this" and started opening her gifts without us. I'm surprised she lasted as long as she did! All in all, I think it was a super great day for a super great girl.
4 things I love about Karcyn are:
1) She wakes up so happy in the morning!
2) She's so outgoing and loves everyone.
3) She has the best belly laugh.
4) She is very self-confident :)

She really does seem to carry that happy spirit with her most all the time... wish we could see her grow up more than on the blog!
Loved the pics. She is so cute and it looks like she had a great birthday!
That is patience. She is such a good and sweet little girl. You sure are blessed.
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