Monday, June 10, 2019

Jake Hough, 6.10.19--week 46

"The fitness level and weight of a sack of potatoes"


Another week, another doug. 

The last week has drudged on, like a snail in molasses. Ok, not THAT bad, but pretty slow haha. I have had not much to do, and not much that I could do because of my ailment, so I have become lower than a couch potatoe in existence. Its actually kinda sad. Did yall, know, that a sack of couch potatoes weigh more, and are more active than me?? Thats right. I had no idea until this week but it was a groundbreaking realization for me. A sack of potatoes is healthier and weighs more than me. Crazy!!

In all seriousness however, I have lost 11 pounds due to the lack of apetite from being couped up all day everyday. And the sleep progressively becomes worse. Less sleep, less frequent. But Im still chuggin along!

We went to the rhuematologist on wednesday of last week, and we found out that I did have an autoimmune disease that had tipped the indicator, known as psoriasis. A skin disease that makes you peel I guess. ITs why I have such bad dandruff and ears haha! I thought that was how it was with everybody. But that was a fun discovery. Still dont know about the sleep. That is still at the scheduled time of july. And we mentioned my heart episode as a Junior in Cross Country to him and when he asked if we ran a pulominology test they actually hadnt. Of the 5 tests that they ran that wasnt one of them, so we are off to check my heart again for an autoimmune heart disease. And then we will go back in to the rhuematologist later in the month. And that is where we stand! And now we are waiting again.

I did have an opportunity to work which was awesome! It was through my dads boss, and I was at a skeet shooting tournament being the trapper, the one pushing the buttons when they yell PULL. It was a blast watching some 60 years of shooting come out and take their chances on the course I was over, and it was blazing hot (94 but felt like 102) and it was harder manual labor afterwards in clean up, but I made something which felt good. And I was given a gift from Heavenly Father while I was working, I had the opportunity to talk to a lone shooter about the church and my mission for a bit since there was some dead time. He was from TAMU, a competitive shooter from TAMU, and we got talking about school and such and I mentioned my mission and he asked which church and from there we were hitting up a discussion about his experiences there. It was really a great feelingtobe able to share that again, not in such a bold way as I used to but still share what I believe and invite him unto christ through Institute. It was honestly awesome haha! I felt like a missionary again it was amazing. 

I will say, if I have felt impressed about anything this week, is that we must do everything and anything it takes to gain the Holy Spirit as a CONSTANT companion. Giving up certain habits, rewiring how we think of things, humbling ourselves and becoming as little children and submitting to our fathers will, because that gift is freedom. IT is spiritual freedom from worries or cares of "will I know this" or "will I be ready to deal with that". With the spirit of God we can do all things and know all things. Lets acquire that gift by making the necessary sacrifices to gain.

Love yall, and I love this life and gospel! Gods work goes forth!

Szeretlek Benneteket!


(Friday was the first opportunity Jake and I had to attend the temple.)
(Jake was sustained in his new ward calling as a Temple and Family History Consultant in church yesterday.)

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