Monday, May 6, 2019

Elder Jake Hough, 5/6/19--week 41


Another week, come ad gone. Its ridiculous. This week was great though because we worked really hard, found people, felt the spirit, and pushing through Hurricane Harvey! Im not jokin y'all, it has literally been gray, raining, dumping, and freezing since saturday night, its like hurricane harvey met the portland oregon winter overcast and had a baby named Hungary. So we had to break out the thermal gear in May and go out in the rain. Love It!........*cries silently inside* huuuuuuuuuuuuuh. I guess I cant have everaything huh?

Győr is a really cool city, its big. It has a lot of people. Yeah. ALso, I learned somethign really cool i my personal studies this week about the House of Israel: They are the noble and great ones, the ones that not only voted for Heavenly Fathers plan, but testified of its divinty and mercy and love to all the children of god, and they are they that are promised to be gathered before the second coming of the Lord. We are here to bring THEM to the gospel. And these people will know that our message is true, because they are of the lieage of the house of israel, and they will know what we speak is true. And only 2 percent of the worlds popuilation is of the house of israel. Super interesting, but true. Now a days me and bridges elder if we have a really good conversation and feel the spirit and they reject it we say "didnt come from the house" haha! Im doing more study on the House of Irael though becasue it has everything to do with our work before Christ comes again. I ecourage yall to do the same and we can compare notes later haha!

I want you all to know, or at least think about jsut how much god loves each ad every one of you idividually. What does that  mean?? It means that anything you have trouble with, any addiction, fear, pain, sickness, worry, struggle, stress, temptation, sadness, anything that could weigh you down. Christ already suffered and felt ad experienced  EVERY possible emotion like that. And he has provided a way for us to receive comfort and guidance, and to suffer the least, his atonement. But we have to accept it and use it daily in our lives for it to realyl take a effect. I know that cause I have seen it in my life and the lives of these hungarians. 

Love yall!

Hough Elder

My grandpa in the mission Bridges Elder
(Meaning that Bridges Elder trained Peery Elder when Peery first went to Hungary and then Peery Elder trained Hough Elder when Jake arrived in the country--hence his "Grandpa"--who will soon be "dying" or going home in a few weeks.)

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