Tuesday, July 23, 2013

"Nature's Deadliest" rears its ugly head

I was at the office yesterday, like usual, while Jared spent his weekly day off doing the laundry and hanging out with the kiddos. He relayed the following to me last night.

Every once in a while, Karcyn and Calvin, decide they want to ramp up their culinary repertoire and they request Top Ramen for lunch. (Yes, we are aware that ramen is fried. Yes, we know that it has no nutritional value whatsoever and when fed to rats in a medical study over a given period of time, the rats didn't thrive and in fact started deteriorating. However, lunch is one of those battles that we choose not to fight. So ramen it was!!)

The whole time Karcyn was eating her ramen, she kept informing Jared that she was eating a bowl of snakes. "This is a jararaca. This is a red spitting cobra. Did you know that when the red spitting cobra spits in your face, it doesn't kill you. It just makes you blind. Mmmm, anacondas. Delicious."

While eating her snakes at the counter with Calvin, a debate ensued over the jararaca and where it lives.

Calvin insisted Australia.

Karcyn insisted Brazil.

They went back and forth, back and forth about it.

"It's Australia!"

"No it's not! It's Brazil!"



Jared felt that all that was missing in this shouting match was the posting of the Australian and Brazilian flags and the national anthems. As if on cue, Cooper wandered into the kitchen and to the little kids, it was divine intervention. "Let's ask Cooper. He'll know!" Cooper could settle this once and for all. But most importantly, his response would declare who was right

"Coop, where does the jararaca snake live?"

"That's easy. Africa." Aww, man. They didn't see that coming.

Now that they had three different continents represented, Calvin suggested an even better solution.

"Maybe we should just watch it so we'll know."

Nice try, Calvin. Jared piped in and said, "It's noon. When do we watch TV?"

Calvin, rather deflated, sighed and said, "3 o'clock." Yup. If you get all your stuff done.

Jared went back to our room to finish folding laundry. A few minutes later, Karcyn ran into the bedroom with an empty bowl and proudly announced to Jared she had finished eating her bowl of snakes.

Thank you, Sweet Girl. Jared's convinced she needs dance year round to help her be "girlified" :)

However, for the record, the jararaca is indigenous to southern Brazil, as well as Paraguay and northern Argentina. Karcyn knows her stuff.


Kim-the-girl said...

Being girlified is way overrated. Awesome story!

JandS Morgan said...

That is totally hilarious. Silly kids.