She doesn't have a system, like looking for outside edge and corner pieces first and then filling in the middle. She doesn't always look for the colors that match on pieces either. She looks for the actual SHAPE of each piece and where they connect. And let me tell you something...she's got an eagle eye because she finds them before I do. I don't know how she does it. It's quite amazing to watch.
My parents got her a big floor puzzle (48 pieces) for Christmas. It was one of the first gifts she opened. And she had it done and put together in a matter of minutes. Less than 20 and only because she had to rescue several pieces from Calvin who thought taking them and running off with them was the best game ever.

I got her another floor puzzle a month ago for a potty training reward. I sat down with her the first time she did it and offered my assistance to help her out. Yeah...turns out I kept giving her the wrong pieces and suggesting they went in the wrong places! So I just stay out of her way. Fortunately, Karcyn is very sweet and doesn't get frustrated with my "help".
I'm having a REALLY hard time keeping Karcyn in puzzles. They aren't exactly cheap and trying to keep them stored is a ton of fun...especially when she does 3 at once. I finally remembered a Noah's Ark puzzle, over 100 pieces, in our Sunday box. Out of desperation, I got it out to see how she did with it.

Karcyn was in puzzle heaven! It was no big deal and as soon as she was done, she wanted to do it again! Sometimes she works on a puzzle until it's done, sometimes she takes breaks and goes back to it, but not very often. I'm impressed with her ability to focus and find that much patience in her 3 1/2 year old body to do such a project. She is definitely a puzzle princess and it will be interesting to see how this lends to other talents and abilities in the future.
I remember seeing my friend's mom doing a puzzle back in the '80s. It was at least 1000 pieces of the poster "CATS." So it was virtually pitch black with two small glowing green eyes in the center which consisted of about 20 pieces...maybe more, but not much more. I'd like to see Karcyn attack that one!
Liam is EXACTLY the same way...what's up with that?
I wonder if there's something about babies born in 2006 that gives them this predisposition... Levi is the best puzzler in the house (aside from his dad).
Megan was that way, too. Goodwill is a great way to keep her in puzzles that aren't too expensive... :)
In the second picture she looks little a mini Jen!
Rachel is the same way with puzzles. She loves them and will do them over and over. I will look for a long time for a specific piece and she'll come along and look at the hole and immediately find the piece that goes in it. Goodwill & Dollar Tree great places to get inexpensive puzzles.
I have witnessed Karcyn putting the Noah's Ark puzzle together. She is absolutely amazing. She has an uncanny ability to see space and shape. She is way better and quicker than I am at puzzles (I have to put the edges together first and then work in the inside.) Karcyn just puts pieces in wherever they belong. I am in awe at her ability.
Whoa, I have no patience for that type of thing. Funny that she doesn't go for the corners first. I guess that is for all us rookies.
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