This spring was as crazy as the first of the year. I thought for SURE it would slow down after the 10 Virgins disbanded the middle of March, but it didn't. For example...I spoke to the youth of our ward at a big annual combined activity on April 1st with 3 days notice (no foolin' there). My parents arrived via camper the day before Easter and we went to the temple that evening. I was one of the speakers on Easter Sunday and then came home to a kitty who wiped her poopy bum on our carpet a few times, giving me and Jared the joy of cleaning her in the bathtub complete with leather gloves, towels, a removable shower head and lots of Lysol. The two weeks that followed were a barrage of baseball/T-ball practices 3x a week, scouting events, training for my 10K and helping prepare for a visiting teaching conference among other things.
I celebrated my birthday on April 28th (a day early). My parents flew to Scotland on the 30th for 3 weeks before coming back again. On Friday, May 1st, I did remember it was Calvin's birthday and took a picture to commemorate it.

But we had other plans and they didn't include him, or the other children. Kevin, Jared's brother and his wife, Christina, were in town for the weekend, so we met them at the Melting Pot for dinner...our first time at this restaurant for me and Jared. We were combining it as my birthday dinner (29th) and their 15th anniversary (30th). We always have fun hanging out with them, but it was especially nice to do it in that atmosphere. And it's a good thing because I really can't think of any friends that would be willing to spend that kind of money to dine with us there.
After dinner, Kevin said he found a miniature golf place down the road, so we went and investigated. I forget what it's called, but it's an underground Pirate adventure. The course was INSANE (definitely advanced placement miniature golf) but the motif made it worth it.

The next morning, Kevin and Chris arrived bright and early at our house and Christina and I headed to the DOSHA spa. I finally got to use the 8 hour spa-spectacular gift certificate--"Euphoria" it's called-- that Jared got me after I had Calvin one year previously. I certainly would have gone alone, but what a treat for me and Chris to go together. We rarely get to do anything alone between her 6+ kids and my 4. Usually the Hough brothers are out playing together during those rare occasions that we do see each other.
I loved the spa! Of course, the full-body massage and the facial (that I've never had which consisted of more massage) were divine! Also included in that day was a body elixir, a steam bath, a soaking tub, a spa manicure and pedicure, gourmet lunch, a shampoo and styling of the hair and an application of Aveda cosmetics. This was the post-spa "refreshed" Chris and Jenn. I know, you can't tell the difference. But I FELT the difference and man, did I smell good! I love the smell of Aveda hair products.

I told Jared he could send me to the spa any day (but not more than every other year because it's much too expensive!)
After we took this picture, I ran to the adult session of stake conference. I would have been there ANYWAY, but my very own RS President, Bev, that I have the privilege of serving with, was speaking and I wanted to support her even with family in town. She did not disappoint either. It was a fabulous talk. And then I snuck out. When I got home, we had another babysitter (yes, I believe I spent more on babysitting that weekend than I have in 2 months time) and drove Kevin and Chris back to their hotel...after stopping for dessert. They were flying home the next morning.
The next week gave us 5 days to get ready before the next guests arrived...Jared's parents. We decided to celebrate Calvin's birthday on May 5th...the day he was due. Actually, that was the first available day to do it. Besides, we rationalized, he would never know the difference.
All of the gift opening pictures are on the video camera. But here's how it went down with his cupcake. He was very good about eating it in small, tentative bites.

But then the bites got a little bigger.

Then the other hand had to get involved (notice it's his right one).

And of course, it just wouldn't be Calvin if he didn't offer to share.

Calvin is such a sweet, very mild baby. Of course now that he's older, there's more that he thinks he wants and he screeches if he doesn't get it. But he's the perfect caboose. He started taking his first steps around a year, but knows he can get to where he wants to much faster by crawling (and he can moooove), so that's what he does. He's gradually increasing his unassisted steps and I'm sure it won't be much longer before he's really running after Karcyn and the boys.
Just shortly after his first birthday, Calvin started folding his arms when we said it was time for prayers. I can't think of anything that melts my heart as much as that does. Without fail, it's been one of the first things my babies learn to do. In fact, we were in Sacrament meeting when he did it. Jared was standing Calvin on his lap before the opening prayer. I heard him whisper to Calvin "It's time for prayer." And Calvin whipped those little arms across each other. Jared and I both smiled and I know I gasped audibly enough that I'm sure those within surrounding pews of us heard it and wondered what was going on. The prayer hadn't started yet, so I don't feel too bad about it!
I also decided to do some sign language with Calvin, just for fun. He's already showing much more progress in his language development than Karcyn. And at this rate, he may very well be speaking and using the toilet before her. (Ahh, the irony that would be). Last week, when he wanted some more dinner to eat (this kid can pack it away. He's totally working on a gut...and he wants MORE before he's even chewed the mouthful he already has. I swear he's going to choke one of these days...) I showed him the sign for "more" and asked if that's what he wanted. The very next second...he was showing me the sign for "more." It was so cute. What a BRILLIANT child! :)
Calvin loves everyone, but it's especially sweet to see him when Jared comes home. Calvin gets to Jared as fast as he can (even climbed down from the couch one evening to go greet him) and begs to be picked up and then smothers Jared in the biggest Calvin hug he can muster, laying his head on his shoulder and smiling away. Moments like that can cure MANY THINGS.
What a fun year this has been with the Calvinator.
1 comment:
Oh Jenn! I miss you! It seems like your life is so full and blessed. Thanks for sharing on the blog so I can still feel a teeny tiny part of it. Calvin is such a doll!
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