Who are those crazy kids??
This date holds even more meaning for me personally. It dawned on me last week that it was TEN YEARS AGO, May 7th, that I graduated from Weber State University with a degree in elementary education. It's hard to believe it's been a DECADE since then. Ironically, it was also that very graduation morning that I found out we were expecting Jacob in December. Talk about some major excitement. Never mind the fact that Jared drove 19 hours straight through the night from IL to UT to be with me at graduation by 8am in the morning. He had finals he was taking the day before so we "agreed" he would stay and take them. He showed up at my aunt's house about 5 minutes after I took the pregnancy test that indicated "positive." I was actually VERY relieved he had shown up. I didn't know how I was going to keep that a secret over the next 3 days traveling back to IL with my parents. I took him downstairs to give him his anniversary gift--the positive pee stick. To which he replied, "What's that?" After I explained to him what the stick meant, we went back upstairs. I slid the pee stick across the table (sanitary? maybe not) to my parents. It had no sooner stopped sliding when my mom was jumping up and down, giddy like a school girl, doing cartwheels while my dad sat there scratching his head saying, "What's that?" (To this day, my mom collects the pee sticks that represent each of her grandchildren :)
So yeah...May 7, 1999 was a BIG day for me and Jared.
Here we are after the ceremony with my girlfriend Sarah and her then fiance Justin. They were married a couple months later. Hopefully she won't mind me posting this picture from the past :)