Sat. 1st--It was a winning weekend for Calvin! After taking 1st place in doubles at his district tennis meet on Friday, he bowled in the Lubbock Youth City Tournament as part of a team with these cool kids (Chloe, Logan, and a friend of Chloe's), in doubles with Chloe, and singles. Nine games back-to-back. It was a long day. But his MISFITS team took 1st place! Then he and his partner, Chloe, took 1st place in doubles! And both wins earned him scholarship money. Or so we thought. Apparently the money only went to the highest individual score. I'm not sure what the motivation is for bowing in teams or doubles if that was the case. (We definitely won't be doing that tournament again.) Singles was the last event and Calvin was pooped. He took 8 out of 8th. Oh well. You win some, you lose some. He was on fire when it mattered the most. (Or when we thought it mattered...) He was so tired before it even started and we're proud of him for seeing it through to the end.

*Karcyn didn't attend the bowling tournament because she had to work. Before her shift ended, her manager asked if she wanted a free (GF pizza). She said, "Sure!" He said, "Great! Go make it!" So she did. :) She also brought home $3.70 in tips, which was quite the jump from the 50 cents she made last week. Haha! She's "rolling in the dough."

Wed. 5th--I was in charge of the Primary activity this month. So I planned it around an Easter theme. We had some fun "minute to win it" games with plastic easter eggs. We had a blast. Those kids keep us laughing.
Sister/brother duo--Denim and Jameson.
Even Janelle and I got in on the action.
*During the school year in Texas, April and the first week of May, is filled with state testing. In my 4th grade, the students are tested in math (my subject) and English/Reading (my partner's subject). After that, there's some MAP testing to do and then it's fun, field trips, and games!
Fri. 7th--Earlier in the week, I ordered this dress for Karcyn to wear to her Junior Prom. We were looking for modest and a little fun. We loved the darker blue fabric under the lace in the chest and arms because that was important in making it modest. So we bought it!
It arrived on Friday, and this is what we got: No fabric coverage at all just below the neck or on the back and arms like the picture showed. UGH!!!! Figures.

The one thing that sold me on the dress isn't even a part of the dress! So frustrating. I'm sure I'm not the first "victim" of false advertising on Amazon. I even went back and scoured the product information but couldn't find anything that said the blue under fabric was not included. We were running out of time. Prom is in a week. We were going to have to make do with this dress or Karcyn said she could just use the dress she wore at Jake's wedding--which was really very thoughtful. I told her I'd start looking for something she could wear under the dress.
Sat. 8th--Cooper went to the Dallas Comic con with his cousin, James. They got back that evening. When Karcyn got off her shift at work, Cooper had her belated birthday gift waiting for her. Here he is telling her to close her eyes.
And now, for the presentation. She is SUPER EXCITED!!
He got her a signed copy of Nezuko from Demon Slayer--her favorite character. She dressed up as Nezuko for Halloween a few years ago. Good job, Cooper!
Sun. 9th--Easter Sunday! Jared, Calvin, and I all spoke in Sacrament Meeting. I loved giving my talk because the Lord truly inspired me as it came together. We had Dr. Pepper Ribs and then Dr. Pepper shakes later that night when the Elders came over.
*Couldn't resist a photo of Rolo and with his stuffed toy that's almost as big as he is.
Mon. 10th--Well, I ordered a white underlayer 3/4 sleeve shirt for Karcyn to wear under her prom dress. It doesn't look bad. The scoop in the front isn't a perfect match, but it's pretty close. It'll have to work! Prom is in five days.
Tues. 11th--We found a big patch of bluebells blooming in our rocks next to the driveway. What a lovely thing to see.
Wed. 12th--Air prison for Rolo! Haha!
*I had a half day at work because I needed to see my electrophysiologist cardiologist, Dr. Cervera, in Lubbock. He put the pacemaker in. I hated leaving my classes again, but at least it was just a half day and not four days. I actually didn't even see the doctor. I saw the tech who specializes in the pacemaker equipment. He connected his computer to my device and ran the report. He wanted to know if I work out? I had to chuckle to myself and then asked wryly, "Does it look like I work out?" He asked me what I am doing at 6am every morning. I thought about it and replied, "Unloading the dishwasher? Reading my scriptures?" He said my heart rate is increasing that time of the day and it's spiked multiple times. He asked me if I could feel it doing this. I said no, should I? He said not necessarily. He also didn't think it was anything to be concerned about.
Thurs. 13th--On Thursday morning, around 7am, after reading the notes the sub left, some of which did not shed good light on a particular student from my homeroom, I went to speak to the vice principal about the situation. I wondered if anything could be done for misbehaving in such a way for a substitute. As a substitute myself, I like to actively support substitute teachers and back them up. His response was, "Are you going to eat lunch detention with him?" No. "Then no, there's nothing you can do." As a substitute myself, I told him I felt like we should support the substitutes better with consequences when they misbehave with a substitute. He just responded that he's been burned by substitutes before. Then he went on to say that my problems in this case were "small potatoes" and that yesterday afternoon, he had to deal with some serious issues at recess regarding vaping. I wasn't aware of this situation, obviously, so I shifted my stance and asked him if he had spoken to this boy's parents about his behavior. He said yes. But didn't expound on that. So I asked him what they talked about. It was like pulling teeth and his body language seemed to say that I was asking things that were none of my business. It was clear I would need to handle this on my own, so I wanted to have all the facts before telephoning mom about his behavior while I was out. Finally, he just said, very vaguely that they're working on the boy's behavior. And that was as helpful as he was. I came to him as a new teacher (new to the school, the grade, the staff, the students) seeking counsel and information to help me do my job. But he was extremely dismissive and disrespectful to me. I definitely got my answer. I told him that I wouldn't want his job in a million years, and that I would take my "small potatoes" (to quote him) and go figure it out. And I left.
I have an alarm on my phone set for a few minutes before the start time so I can take a bathroom break before students arrive. I headed to the faculty restroom, up by the front office and as I was making my way there, I heard this vice principal, behind his closed door, griping. I couldn't hear the words, but the tone was annoyed and I knew right away, he was complaining about me to someone. As I got to the bathroom door I heard, "She just wants us to solve all of her problems. She kept asking me all these questions and then said (he used a flippant tone), 'Fine, I'll just take my small potatoes and leave.'" Then I heard the other VP's voice say something and I walked into the bathroom. I didn't want to hear any more. This was upsetting enough. If admin doesn't have a teacher's back, then teachers have nothing. I couldn't believe it. Here I was, putting a whole semester of my life on hold to help out this school and while I may have caught the vice principal at a bad time, he could have shown a little more compassion and gratitude. I already planned to phone mom about it during my conference time.
So then, about 10 minutes later, the other VP shows up at my door as students were arriving and asks what happened with the boy when my sub was there. I told her it was okay, I had it under control. She persisted in a way that I knew she was trying to be helpful, but I didn't want it. At that point, I felt like I needed to tell her what I heard. So I shut the door and spoke to her quietly in the hall and said, "In full disclosure, I need you to know that I was going to the restroom right before 7:30 like I always do and as I got closer to the bathroom, I heard his upset voice. And I just knew he was talking about me. I also heard some of what he said. And let me tell you, that's not how it was. I am not asking him or anyone else to solve all my problems. Otherwise, I'd never be in the classroom teaching. I was trying to get some information to help me put the whole picture together for when I call mom. I can't believe what I heard. It's really hurtful and makes me NOT want to come back and help teach at this school." She didn't deny any of it, but said, "Please don't say that. We want you here. If you ever have any problems, just come to me." I still insisted I had the situation under control, but she wanted to talk to the boy, so I had him come over and she had a chat with him. I appreciated her not belittling me or my situation. She restored a little bit of my faith in the overarching term of "administration." I appreciate and respect the principal who hired me, but this VP is tied to admin. And now I know how he really feels about me and my contributions.
Fri. 14th--It had been a long week, compounded by my situation with the vice principal. I was so grateful for Friday. But after getting home, Rolo escaped, so we all had to chase him down. Luckily, Cooper was there and used the car to cut him off in the alley, and Houdini didn't get too far this time. As I was walking back toward the house from the yard, Karcyn said, "Oh, hey, there's a guy at the door selling something." I wasn't really in the mood to have to kindly tell someone that I wasn't interested. Then, as I walked into the house, Cooper was just arriving himself after having driven back from the alley. He informed me there was some guy in a NASA shirt with a suitcase selling something at the front door.
NASA? That's weird.
So I continued walking to the front door with my Houdini dog still in my arms to see what NASA was doing in Snyder. The tall guy was in shorts, with a rolling carry-on bag extended behind him. He looked vaguely familiar. Then I realized it was my brother-in-law, Shawn, whom I got to hang out with, essentially for the first time, just a month ago when Jared and I were in Arizona. As I was opening the screen door, he said, "Remember when Jared told me I could stay with you if things ever went south with your sister?" I was still processing the fact that Shawn was not from NASA and had actually made his way to our house...I was dumbfounded, but managed to reply, "Oh my gosh. What happened?" And then I heard a snicker and went to investigate around the brick corner of my porch. Standing there, laughing and filming was my sister, Shell, from Arizona, and my MOM and DAD from southern Utah!! I couldn't believe my eyes!! I had all the feels--laughter and tears. They got me good!! Unbeknownst to me, my parents had planed to visit my Aunt Jan in Dallas and since my sister had some vacation time, she and her hubs joined them--and they drove all the way to Snyder to see us, too! Totally epic.! And I loved that my kids could finally meet their Uncle Shawn. Note: Jared knew about the ambush. They had contacted Jared a couple days before to find out when I would be home from school and to make sure we were going to be here. He had told me we should go out to dinner and a movie on Friday to clear my schedule. :)
I told my family guests that my house was a mess. I was hoping to catch up on those things this weekend. My mom said they had a hotel in town to stay in so not to worry about putting them up for the night, they would never do that to me. :)
I at least wanted to make them a home cooked meal. So we had Swedish Meatballs and noodles for dinner. While I cooked, Mom and Shell kindly started pressing the wrinkles out of Karcyn's prom dress for me.
A very serious picture.
Just kidding, that's not us. We had such a fun visit that evening. Went WAAAAY too fast.
Sat. 15th--Jared took Calvin and Cooper to Lubbock for the JBT bowling tournament at Whitewood, while I stayed behind to help do everything else.
First up, lunch with my family at Blackland's. A BBQ food truck in a warehouse. Yep!! A definite must-do in Snyder. At least once.
Silly Sisters! Well, one of us anyway! After lunch, my family drove up to Lubbock so they could see the city and watch Cooper and Calvin bowl.
Jared sent me this picture of the Whitewood Youth Bowlers who were all competing in the JBT tournament.
After lunch, I took JJ to the store, so we could get him a birthday present for his buddy, Jackson Wall, before dropping him off at the movie theater. They rented it out to show "Super Mario Brothers."
Karcyn and I went to a baby shower for Patricia, who is due to have her baby girl the end of May. It was going to be a tight squeeze in our schedule, but we made it work. At 2:30, Olivia, worked on Karcyn's hair and make-up for Prom. We're very grateful.
Azylynn, Karcyn, and Olivia--girl cousins! Azy helped assist and offered support.
Olivia did a spectacular job. I hope she keeps these before and after pictures to build a portfolio in case she goes into hair and make-up.
Karcyn was meeting her date, Skyler, at 5pm at a place on the Square, downtown, so we could take pictures.
They took a lot of great ones!
My favorite.
Skyler and his parents, Noe and Melissa.
This is cute, too.
Ahh, the RITZ and marquee.
And my amazing family drove all the way back from Lubbock around 5:30 because they wanted to see Karcyn before she went to Prom.
Skyler, Karcyn, and his sister, Sylvia--a senior. She had a date, but things didn't work out last minute, but she still went with Karcyn and Skyler to dinner and drove them to and from. Very sweet and considerate.
There was another mom walking around the Square, waiting for her group to get there to take pictures. She walked around with us and took some complimentary pictures with her fancy camera.
And then they were off to The Butcher Block for dinner. (Karcyn later said she had the 'saul-mon' and it was good. Haha!)
Back at the house, we had Rolo lovins, card games, laughter, and we made plans.
I'm surprised Shell loved Rolo as much as she did. She owns a huge mastiff and had a second one who passed just six months ago. Rolo must look like a furry doggie treat for her babies. :)
We played the game "Manipulation" and on one round, Shawn got up to use the bathroom. When he came back, the game was over. He couldn't believe it. Haha!
Omygoodness! I never dreamed I would see my parents, sister, and bro-in-law at my house, but it FILLED MY SOUL to have them there. Especially after one of the hardest weeks of teaching. Heavenly Father knew it was just what I needed.
And--we made plans. While they were visiting, I learned that Michelle and Shawn were planning to go to Scotland in the fall with my parents. My parents used to live there, so if you're going to go to another country, you want to go with someone who's familiar with the area. I wanted to go too, but I didn't want to intrude on any special parent/child trip they might have planned. I pulled Shell aside and asked if this was a special trip with just her and Shawn and my parents. She said no, that her oldest son, Christian, was also coming. So then I smiled sheepishly and asked if I could tag along, too. She said yes! And my parents were thrilled with the idea. Unfortunately, if it was going to work financially, only I could go. Jared would have to stay to hold down the fort and because we're already going on a trip to Aruba for his 50th at the end of September. There's no way he could leave a week or two later for a couple weeks. But I am SOOO grateful that Jared is urging me to go and that we'd find a way to make it work.
Thurs. 20th--Rolo got his summer cut! He looks like a teddy bear and we love it!
Sat. 22nd--Another crazy Saturday. Calvin was invited to Chloe Horn's birthday party after bowling league. But we had Stake Conference meetings at 4pm and 7pm, and I was speaking in the later meeting. So we asked Cooper if he'd take the kids to bowling league for us. Calvin would go to the party from there and Cooper would take JJ back home after Cooper did a little bowling and they had lunch. Chloe's parents were happy to drop Calvin off at the Stake Center once the party was over so he could hang out at church until our meeting was over and we'd all travel back to Snyder together. Phew!! I'm definitely grateful Cooper could help us with getting the boys up to Lubbock for bowling and the party. We don't want our distance from Lubbock to keep the kids from other opportunities and stake events, but sometimes it is just a LOT.
Calvin did an escape room. All these kids but one are from the bowling leagues.

I felt pretty good about my stake conference talk. This was my 4th time speaking at stake conference. But I was the ONLY "lay person" on the stand. Everyone else was the stake presidency, the temple presidency and wives, mission president/wife. So I sat behind the mission president, President Child from Bountiful. The meeting began at 7pm. Jared went and sat with Calvin out in the foyer. I was going to be speaking about halfway and at 7:45, to my utter HORROR, an alarm on my phone started going off. I was mortified!! Everyone on the stand heard it and I'm not sure how many rows beyond the podium heard it but it didn't matter. I was flustered. I had a hard time gathering my wits. I was really nervous. Jared said he could hear it in my voice and I lost my place for a couple seconds in the beginning. Needless to say, I was feeling like a complete failure. And...afterwards, no one said anything to me about my talk. No one on the stand or in the hall as we were getting ready to leave. I mean, my family did, but they don't count. So that made me feel worse and of course, I couldn't stop rehashing it all in my mind. *sigh*
Sun. 23rd--A full body picture of Rolo all groomed and shaved.
Mon. 24th--Today was my first field trip with these kids. We went to Blazing Bouncers in Lubbock. It wasn't too bad of a drive. The students are just really chatty. Fortunately, my partner teacher, Elizabeth Hermosillo, has been so extremely patient and helpful and kind. I couldn't have asked for more! And she did most of the field trip arrangements, thankfully.
Our students had already taken the Reading STAAR test the previous week, so it was nice to have a bit of a break before ramping up our studies and review for the Math STAAR at the beginning of May.
Hermosillo's homeroom.
Silly pictures of Hough's homeroom.
*Karcyn came to me around bed time and asked if she could talk to me. She felt like she might need to talk to a counselor. There's this kid at school in one of her classes who is stressing her out and giving her some anxiety. He has autism and makes loud noises that upset her. One of her teachers has even given her some noise cancelling headphones to wear, but they don't help. I told her we would definitely make an appointment to talk to Vanessa, our female PA-C, and see where to go from there. She was very relieved.
Tues. 25th--JJ took his 5th grade Science STAAR and mastered it!!
Wed. 26th--Karcyn and I met with Vanessa to discuss Karcyn's issues and then my sleep issues. But first, I relayed to her what Karcyn had told me. Vanessa asked her some questions and they had a chat. I also explained to her our concerns about Karcyn since Kindergarten. After being exited from speech halfway through Kindergarten, I was told by the team she might have autism. But we've been blown off by schools and medical/psychological professionals in three cities and two states since then. And now, Karcyn is mentioning a sensory issues (loud noises from this kid that are extremely upsetting to her and interfering with her ability to learn at school). Vanessa agreed that we should start her with counseling but also thought that having her evaluated by the speech therapist at the rehab center would be a good idea. I appreciated her help. We got Karcyn scheduled with the counselor at Cogdell Behavioral Health and an appointment for an eval on May 10th with the speech therapist.
We discussed my sleep issues, too. Jared said my snoring is getting worse and I admit, I'm soooo tired. Plus, there are many times, I will wake up--bolt upright in distress--because I'm choking. It's so unsettling. Takes me forever to catch my breath and work through a bout of coughing. Vanessa said she'd order a sleep study (since we've met our deductible already--thank you, expensive sinus meds, Cooper!)
Sat. 29th--Karcyn was scheduled to work 5-9pm. But I got a call from her around 8pm. That wasn't unusual because when they're slow, they'll let her go since she's still in high school. However, this time, she was crying and upset. She said she wanted to go. She wasn't doing a good job. I told her I would be right there to pick her up. When I got there, I wanted to talk to Cody, the manager who hired her, because I wanted to find out some details and because I also had this hairbrained idea to be a delivery driver to earn some money for my Scotland trip. He wasn't available, so I spoke with his wife, instead. She said that Karcyn had been told she needed to move faster at her responsibilities or she would be let go. That's what upset her. She could take some time off, but if she quit without two weeks notice, she could never work at that Dominos again.
So I took her home so she could relax a little. We'd talk more about it later though she was pretty adamant about not working there anymore.
*We teachers feel this in our bones!!
Sun. 30th--We celebrated Calvin's 15th birthday by inviting a few of his buddies over for dinner and then having brownies and ice cream afterwards with the rest of the family. We love these boys! John Gregory, Nethan Degani, and Griffin Cypert.
The Extended Hough Clan.
Amaya enjoying her cake and ice cream.
Afterwards, James stayed and did some Dungeons and Dragons with our kids. Calvin's buddies watched.
*Cooper gave Calvin one of his bowling balls for his birthday. And Calvin LOVES it!!
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