Monday, February 18, 2019

Elder Jake Hough, 2.18.19--week 30

"The Heavens are screaming FAMILIES ARE FOREVER"

Well. I must say, that this week believe it or not I was talking to my companion holding our tiny phone, and said "you know, it would be so easy to just call home and be like hey GUYS whats up!, but that wouldnt be obedient and my family would probably disown me for that, so I still wont. But it would be nice..." and lo and behold "wish granted!!" The new change to the emails and communications with missionaries and families is unprecedented. (Read the official announcement that came out on Friday HERE) We were in a falu finishing up a visit when we got the call from a member we know saying these things. I couldnt wrap my head around it, my head literalyl hurt from it. I am a missionary, I shouldnt be able to do this! What the heck how when where AHHHHHHHH! My mind might have exploded a few times that night. But as I thought about it, I knew that there would be mixed feelings from a lot of people, but here is what I think. The doctrine of Elder Hough, not to be confused with literal stamp approved revelation haha! I looked back on the last year almost with Presidnet Nelson as prophet, and I noticed two fold. The first being that this work is in every sense of the word ACCELERATING. The second coming is COMING. And Pres Nelson knows this. On top of that he put into place ministering, which is a more spiritually led way to take care of each other in the church, the need for personal revelation an obvious requirement to effectively carry out this calling. The next big step was the family study and shorter church hours, so that the family can study together and have spritual experiences together, thus strengthening themselves as one in Christ. And what better way to do that then to study the life of Christ? And finally, the communication change, which allows the families of missionaries to directly tap into the most important work known to mankind, the gathering of scattered Israel. The chat boxes and video calls now enable us missionaries to share more in detail what this work is like, how we are doing with members, and thus strengthen their connection to this work , which is in fact every members work.

So from what I can see, every single change has been pointing to the strengthening of our families, every thing has been pushing that direction. We have to strengthen them. As President Nelson said "In coming days it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the constant guidance of the spirit through personal revelation." Cant say it better than that! But those are my thoughts on it. I am thrilled to now talk with my family more frequently and be able to call them all on their birthdays. Super super awesome.

Alright! Onto the week! On a sadder note, our two people we were teaching that had baptismal dates both dropped us due to struggles to fully understand or act, which is always super killer, but we had another person we are teaching (for all intents and purposes, his name will be Joe), and Joe accepted A baptismal date as of now for april 21st. he is progressing nicely, we are getting him integrated with the members, and he is an amazing man. Smart mathematician. Likes to fully understand it before going into it, but for the gospel purposes, he is exercising huge faith. Its always a joy to see that!

For some reason, Hungary decided to SNOW on wednesday. So we were out finding in the SNOW all day wednesday, and let me just say: Snow is pretty. Its silent when it falls, its peaceful, but I HATE the cold. HATE it. I would rather it be College Station July than the cold. I jsut dont like it haha! Luckily for me, its starting to warm up a bit. The days have been nicer here. But its spring so its unpredictable what to do. But I digress, the snow and I are "not what you would call sympatico at the moment". 

We also got a visit from Elder Sabin of the 70 for zone conference, and I wont go into the specific things I learned for myself, but I will say that it was a revelatory expereince, and he had some things he taught to us that I myself could work on, that could help me become better, and I will share acouple of them with yall.

Many things are interesting, few things are important

You will only be as happy as you are grateful
(He made the comment that what if we woke up everyday with only the blessings we were grateful for the night before? how would our prayers change?)

Learn from the past but dont live there

Humility is the conduit to heaven

The enemy of something great is a lot of good

These were some that stuck out to me, and a few of them I was like woooooaaah. Az igen. I will be better! Which is all this life is about so onward we go! 

Other than that, we had a very good week. Lots of growth, lots of success, and sadness. A good healthy week in my opinion. I cant wait to hear what will happen in conference this next time in april which is right around the corner, and I know that this is God, the Eternal Fathers work being carried out through his only begotten son Jesus Christ. Russell M Nelson IS the only man on the earth that can receive that specific guidance for us today that we stnad in need of as a whole body. And there are angels around us protecting us as we read the scrpitures and pray EVERY DAY. We stress this with those we teach that to receive the protection we first gotta put it on, it wont put itself on us. Love yall, and have a fantastic week! 

Hough Elder
**We got to video chat with Jake this morning!! We weren't sure how this would work for us since he has no computer or ipad or smart phone--not to mention the 7 hour time difference. But the increased opportunity to talk more than twice a year was really exciting!! I wasn't sure how I would make it from Mother's Day to Christmas (almost 8 months between phone calls). But in his email today he said we could do it! They are not allowed to use member's phones or the senior missionary phones. Fortunately, they didn't have to go to Gyor (an hour away) to email. Jake and his companion were able to use the computer and camera at the branch house right in Tatabanya. Basically, he can call between 1 and 5pm his time (when they have all their chores/shopping done) or 6am to 10am our "America Texas" time. Which makes it hard to capture his siblings. However, I don't think it's a coincidence that the kids had today off from school so we could ALL talk to him!! It was SO AWESOME!!!! It won't be every week, but it's MORE than we ever dreamed would be possible. These opportunities are such a gift!! Their only requirements as missionaries, in Jake's mission anyway, is that they go out and work as missionaries from 6-9pm on Mondays (preparation day). They no longer have a time limit for emailing either anymore, so he won't be quite so rushed. Jake calls it "Miracle Mondays." Haha!

**I asked Jake a little bit more about Elder Sabin's visit and if he got to meet him and shake his hand. Jake got a little more than that! President Hettinger texted Jake while he was on the train en route to the conference to tell him that he, along with a few other missionaries--his former companion, Peery Elder included--were going to be interviewed by Elder Sabin. :o Jake said it was really unexpected and very cool. He asked Jake how long he'd been out, where he was from, he asked Jake how he was doing, asked how his family was doing that sort of thing. Then he asked Jake if he had any questions for him. And Jake said, "Yes, actually. What do you know about virtue because I'm trying to study it and gain more of it and there isn't a whole lot directly stated in the scriptures about this topic." So they chatted about virtue--well, Elder Sabin did. Jake took notes. :) 

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