Thursday, March 28, 2013


This is a success story for Jared.

He went to Orlando, Florida this week for a medical conference (to get continuing education credits) and his dad joined him. For anyone watching the weather, Florida has not been experiencing very warm temperatures this week. In fact, it was warmer here in Oregon yesterday in the mid 60s, compared to central Florida, barely reaching 50 degrees with the wind blowing.

Yesterday was the last day of the conference and of course, what medical conference trip would be complete without a fishing trip before coming home?

I'm not sure where they went to fish this morning. All I know is that Jared, with 40 minutes to spare before the end of the charter, caught his trophy large mouth bass.

The requirements for "trophy" size is 8 lbs. This bad boy weighs 10 lbs, 12 oz. (If our children followed these same requirements, none of them would have been a trophy. My biggest baby was 7 lbs. 9 oz.). Jake exclaimed, "look at all that meat!" We can't wait to hear the story details.

Jared's racking up quite the collection. He caught his trophy small mouth bass this summer in Canada.

I guess this means I have to actually find space on a wall for these now. 

1 comment:

Kim-the-girl said...

Wahoo! That is awesome!