This would be a mission change.
My parents flew here for their last visit with us for Thanksgiving before they went on their mission. We had a great time with them. It was too short as usual, especially since it's going to be a year and a half before we see them again.
A good portion of their time with us was spent on the phone with former missionaries and secretaries of missions and the missionary and family history departments in SLC. My parents got word that their visas to India were on "back order"so to speak and no one could speculate how long before they'd be issued. My parents had their hearts set on leaving now for their mission and didn't want to wait around, twiddling their thumbs, for the visas to come. Their newly bought home was packed up. Their suitcases were packed. They said their good-byes and were ready to get rolling.
When speaking with a secretary in the family history department (I believe) my parents were given a couple of options for alternate destinations. One country was French speaking, so that was out. Another option was the Dominican Republic. Jared about burst into tiny pieces, he could hardly contain himself. That is where HE served HIS mission and has always wanted to go back and take me with him. Unfortunately, that was short lived because there is a Spanish language requirement, understandably so, for that mission as well. My dad can speak Spanish but wouldn't call him fluent and that's what they needed. Although, we got our hopes up because it was mentioned, during one of the umpteen phone calls, that my parents might be able to get Spanish language training at the MTC. That was a very exciting possibility....and then the big let down came shortly after. (Sorry, Jared).
Another option was Hyde Park in London, England. My parents were all over that, however, did you know that this is the MOST EXPENSIVE mission in the WORLD? The secretary helping my dad had asked what his finances were like because they have a hard time filling that spot. My parents' finances are good, better than most, actually, but it was MORE than they had budgeted so that got nixed, too.
This issue was, of course, compounded by the Thanksgiving holiday and apparently the Church department (or the persons my parents needed to speak to) takes the Monday AFTER Thanksgiving off, too. It's all well and good for people to enjoy an extra day off from work to be with their families. It's just inconvenient for those senior couples who are 13 days away from serving their mission and they still don't know where!
By the time my parents flew back home on Dec. 1st however, we had it on good authority that they would be serving in the
Slovenia-Croatia mission...with no language requirement with the expectation they will be doing family history work and other assorted responsibilities. The First Presidency approved the mission reassignment (phew) just days before my parents left. Just enough time for them to REPACK their suitcases for an area of Europe with 4 seasons, instead of two as they had prepared for.
Mom and Dad reported to the MTC two days ago on Mon. Dec. 14th. They will only be there a week and then will go to SLC and live in a hotel for 2 months, working at the family history building until they get their visas.
It will be interesting to hear about their experiences in this part of the world that they weren't planning on going to. Those are usually the best kind of experiences.