Calvin Wray Hough decided to come into the world on Thursday, May 1, 2008 at 3:35am. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 1 oz. and was measured at 18 1/2 inches long.
Grandma and Grandpa Lee were at the hospital with us hoping they'd be able to see Calvin before they had to leave at 4am to catch an early flight to my brother Mike's graduation in Utah. Calvin came with about 20 minutes to spare for which we were all grateful.
Jenn didn't get her April baby for the diamond birthstone. (Bummer) But she is grateful he came early enough prior to her due date and on my sister Kelly's 40th birthday, too.
Jake and Cooper are thrilled with their little brother and hold him as often as they can. Every time Karcyn sees him she says "nigh nigh" because he's usually asleep. She gives him great kisses on his little head and is handling this new change very well so far.
What a cutie!!! Congrats! He looks so alert....you got pics with his eyes open that is amazing. I am happy to hear that your parents were able to be there! Congratulations!
Congrats! He arrived on Makenna's b-day -- a May Day baby! He looks like Cooper and Karsyn. Hope you're doing well! -- Jan
Congratulations, Jen, Jared & family!!! He is very cute. Kim :)
Congrats. What a cutie!
Congrats. Now you share a birthday with me and Calvin shares with Jeremy. I'm glad you had a great birthday. And Calvin is so cute. Such big, wide eyes.
Yea how fun, he is finally here.
What an extreme blessing he is. Glad everything went ok.
Congratulations! He is just beautiful! I look forward to getting a peek when I come for piano lessons, unless he is asleep. Take care, hope everything is going great for Calvin and for Mommy.
Ah! Naked baby. That is a great picture with the tiger. Cute little Calvin.
Hooray! Congratulations again! Can't wait to meet him in person!
Conogratulations! He is a beautiful baby. We are very happy for your family.
We are so happy for you guys. I hope he is everything you dreamed of. Congrats!
I look forward to meeting him (and all your kids) this summer in Alaska.
What fun!!! Are so excited for you! We miss you guys and the good ol days in Forest Grove! How are you handling FOUR? Will there be a FIVE?
Jenn, he's adorable, congratulations. Did you get the little blanket I sent?
He is beautiful Jenn, good job!!! Hope everything is going well for you! Suz
He is beautiful Jenn, good job!!! Hope everything is going well! - Suz
congratulations, can't believe you got such great pics of his eyes open!
Remember how you wanted to print you're blog. I heard about this website that can turn your blog into a book. I haven't researched it but you can if you want.http://www.blurb.com/create/book/blogbook
Happy Blogging!
Well Crap! I forgot to congratulate you Super Mom. I've always felt that Alaska creates the most beautiful and the best moms. It's a fact.
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