Today the whole family participated in the
Seventh Annual Run and Walk for Sight in Forest Grove, OR. Jared and Jenn ran the 5K last year, hoping to improve their times this year. Jenn was planning to run it today, but thought it was the previous weekend when she was in AZ visiting her sister and consequently quit training for it long ago. It worked out though because we wanted the boys to be able to join us too, so Jared ran while Jenn pushed Karcyn (and Cooper most the way) and Jake walked (and ran) the course himself. Jenn did the 3.1 miles in 50 minutes (remember, she was pushing about 60 lbs of kids in a stroller!) At least three of us were huffing and puffing by the end. Jared shaved more than 5 minutes off his running time last year at 31.26. Go Jared "Hugh" (which is how his name was pronounced when he was awarded a 3rd place ribbon for his age group). We hope to make this an annual tradition for our family. Oh, and Cooper was mad because his raffle ticket number wasn't called, naturally.
Yea! Love the blog. Looking forward to lots of Hough news! Way to go on the time Jared!
Way to go and thanks for representing the Woodbury clan, you guys rock!
Jenn! Thank you for telling me about your blog! I am at kellamina.blogspot.com
Come on over! Your family is beautiful.
Wow- you guys are such a fun family. What a workout to push 2 kids in a stroller! I should try that!
Hough and Puff, that's hilarious and awesome. I wish I could talk my family into a race like that. Maybe someday. You guys rock.
Ok, it's been a month, surely you're up to something new to post for all of us snoopers!
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