On Wednesday afternoon, I got a text message from Calvin's teacher: Don't forget to wear your Aggie gear for Game Day tomorrow!
Hmmm, they must be having an early spirit day or something. But then I remembered something. After we set up an account the beginning of July, I noticed my bank's web page had a countdown clock widget on it...counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until the Aggies played their first game against South Carolina. Furthermore, when I registered the little kids at the elementary school, the secretary gave me some important dates. She said the 3rd grade parent orientation was originally on Thursday, 8/28, but then they realized that was GAME DAY so, of course, they had to switch the date and push the parent orientation back to the following week. My mind also recalled an advertisement for a pizza chain that came in the mail a week or two ago. Across the top were four gigantic letters: "BTHO" followed by "South Carolina." I scrunched up my face as I tried to figure out the acronym. And then it dawned on me...rather quickly, in fact. They want us to "Beat the H Out of" South Carolina! My.Goodness. I don't know if I was more impressed or shocked that I figured the acronym out so fast. Despite all of these reminders, I neglected to make note and put Game Day in my planner. One thing is most definitely clear: College Station LOVES its Aggies.
Fortunately for us newbie transplants, our local Wal-Mart has half of a section in the front of the store devoted to Aggie gear. So while Karcyn was at dance on Wednesday afternoon, Calvin and I went in search for some shirts for them to wear to school. When in Rome, right?
Here are Karcyn and Calvin showing off their new shirts before leaving for school, yesterday, on GAME DAY. Calvin just recently watched the Karate Kid...can you tell?
I had to run a couple of errands that afternoon and as soon as I walked up to the grocery store, this is the display that greeted everyone.
Now, if you're like me, you have no idea what Gig 'em means. I've heard of "get 'em." In fact, silly, ignorant me thought "gig 'em" was the southern/Texas way of saying "get 'em." [Yes, I know. I hope you got a good laugh]. According to Wikipedia, this is what gigging is:
Gigging is the practice of hunting fish or small game with a gig or similar multi-pronged spear. Commonly harvested wildlife include freshwater suckers, saltwater flounder, and small game, such as frogs. A gig can refer to any long pole which has been tipped with a multi-pronged spear. The gig pole ranges in length from 8 to 14 feet for fish gigs and 5 to 8 feet for frog gigs. A gig typically has three or four barbed tines similar to a trident; however gigs can be made with any number of tines. In the past people would attach illuminated pine knots to the end of gigs at night to give them light. [1]
And according to a couple of Aggie web sites, this is how the term "Gig 'em" came to be.
Gig 'em: The hand sign is a closed fist with a thumb up. The tradition got its start in 1930 at a Yell Practice before a game against an old rivalry: Texas Christian University. "Pinky" Downs, class of 1906, was a member of the A&M Board of Regents and while giving a speech, shouted to the Aggies, "What are we going to do to those Horned Frogs?" (mascot for TCU). His muse did not fail him as he improvised, borrowing a term from frog hunting. "Gig 'em, Aggies!" he said as he made a fist with his thumb extended straight up. The term comes from hunting frogs or fish using a pronged spear called a "gig."
So now you know. And so do I.
As I made my way to the back of the grocery store, I chuckled when I saw this:
A big screen TV with a countdown clock above it and the command for the Aggies to BTHO South Carolina. Apparently they did too...55 to 20-something.
Jake informed me after school yesterday that Ashley Furniture has some kind of deal where if you buy furniture around or on a game day and the Aggies win by 10 or more points, your furniture is free. Man...we need a few new things, too. Wish we had known about that sooner :) What I don't know yet, is if every Aggie game is "Game Day" or if it's just the first game. If I had to guess, I'd say the first.
You can't go anywhere here in College Station without seeing a sea of maroon or the Texas A & M symbol
(which I still read as ATM--as in where I withdraw money :) In fact, Jared looked at a few homes when he was interviewing and was a little stunned by the unique carpet or wall color in some of them. But the realtor immediately cleared up any confusion he might have had about the interesting color choice. "Oh, look. It's Aggie Red."
But it's cool. I appreciate how unified the city is. And the team colors could be so much worse!!