Monday, June 3, 2019

Jake Hough, 6.3.19--week 45

"Lots of waiting, and lots of questions haha!"


Well, I think it is just insane how fast the weeks are going even as a normal member of the church. well, not the same speed, a little slower but still generally the same. Its been weird being back home in College Station just because I feel like the ward hasnt changed a bit, and I expected it to, but it didnt. Maybe cause I changed a ton and I think it is super different. But I digress, its been really interesting for me to just--adjust. I love the heat, that has been awesome haha!

So, basically the best thing that has happened this week happened this morning when I went in to get ENT screening done (ear nose and throat). We got a sleep study ordered, and then they ran a CT scan of my face to see if there were any problems in that sector, and we got blood results back. First the blood results that came back pointed to a high ANA indicator. Autoimmune system. Basically, I think, the result was so high that they are taking me to a rhuematologist on wednesday to see if I have a disease that causes my body to attack itself. So that is the first news. The CT scan of my face showed also that I have REALLY congested sinuses. Like, 6 years worth of congestion, plus bad construction, and that build up is rotting now. And that will require some surgery. But that is the smallest of problems for now until we get sleep study and rhuematologist results back. So at this point we STILL dont know, but its more focused. It could turn out to be a life debilitating disease that causes my body to rebel on itself, it could just be a simple sinus surgery, or something like Narcolepsy. We really still dont know , but I do know that God has got my back. This is for whatever reason, and to be honest, when I heard about the Autoimmune possibility I just sat there and didnt react. Not out of shock but out of peace knowing, without a doubt that my work here is not finished, so I have no need to fuss or worry. I can go through this whole process with confidence that the outcome that comes will be that outcome. 

I had a thought that the only constant thing in life is change. But when the only constant thing in our lives is change, the only constant person in our lives to help us through change is our Heavenly Father. When you feel you have no one to rely on, rely on him. He is waiting with open arms to receive you through the enabling power of Christs Atonement. That is why it is there. Use it!

I am excited to figure out what the deal is so I can get back out there haha! I know this church is true! Thank you for all the support and love I have been feeling and receiving, it means so much to me!

Szeretlek Benneteket!

(Jake with his brother, Cooper, on Sunday. Jake was able to help set Cooper apart for a stake calling and was privileged to be with us when Cooper received his Patriarchal blessing later that afternoon.)
(You can take the kid out of the mission, but you can't take the mission out of the kid…At church, we made sure Jake connected with both sets of missionaries serving in our ward currently. They texted last night, inviting Jake to a lesson this afternoon and Jake invited Cooper along, as well. I snuck a picture of them earlier today during their "companion study" in Preach My Gospel. Unfortunately, the lesson fell through, but...for legitimate reasons. Hopefully they'll be able to secure another teaching opportunity with these same people.)
(After bowling together this afternoon--which about killed Jake physically--he and Cooper spent two hours working on family history with younger brother, Calvin, watching. Definitely one of the best parts of MY day!!) 
(This is our whole family on the one and only summer vacation we had planned seven months ago. I'm so grateful we could welcome Jake home one day before we left for our week-long trip in Branson. It was a tender mercy for sure!)

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