Monday, May 27, 2019

Jake Hough, 5.27.19--week 44

"When you go to sleep in Hungary and Wake up in America"


So, I have over the past few days gone from Budapest Hungary to Paris France, to Dallas Texas in under a day, and then from there to the Stake Presidents office for medical release. 

It has been quite a lot to process. 

But, I will be honest, it has gone surprisingly well. It has been a lot of sad emotions tied to the relationships within my mission with companions, the mission presidnet and his wife, the members, and all those I had taught and was in the process of teaching the principles of exaltation. When you put every living effort into a people that you love despite the fact that they all may not love you back but you feel the christ like love for them within you and then after all that effort you put in just gets put to a dead stop because of a sickness beyond your control and then you have to LEAVE the coutnry you had come to love over about a year, it felt like a piece of my heart was cut out and the salt was poured on it haha! It hurt. 

But I am here to say, that amongst these negative or mournful emotions, I have somehow been able to feel an overwhelming peace at the same moment as the sorrow. And I know that is because of the Living Power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. It is a real power that has the capacity to change us, for the better and to help us change the right way when we are given a crossroads on the strait and narrow path of life. We are here for that reason, to call upon the Atonement to change and to accept Gods will above ours. AS we do this, I know we will feel everlasting peace. But Im not saying itll be easy either. It will be hard, it will be sad and it will hurt. But it would hurt WAY worse without the healing balm of the Atonement of Christ.

So, that is where I am. I am waiting on blood tests to come out, and then a (referral for a) sleep study will be happening next week as well. Thank zall for your love and support, (Yes! A thousand times over!!) be it according to the lords will that I heal in a timely manner. But this is His plan, and I am His son, he will not lead me astray. 

We are on family vacation right now and I am enjoying the time with my family. One of the many things that are positive in this whole thing. 

Szeretlek Benneteket! (I love you!)


Former Hough Elder 

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