Monday, May 13, 2019

Elder Jake Hough, 5.13.19--week 42

"When life gives you a lemon…eat it"


Well I will be the first one to say it. Don't EVER be sick. EVER. It is awful. It ruins everything and ruins your will to do anything. It literally is the worst possible thing that could happen to a missionary...well, except for getting sent home. But I'm knocking wood on that one haha!

So as you may have noticed I have been a bit sick the last almost two weeks. It didnt seem bad til it sucked my energy away and left me a bag of skin and bones on the floor because I was not able to move or find energy to move haha! I wnated to, but it was physically difficult. (We are waiting to hear back on his blood test results any day now…) So I have been inside for about 5 of the 7 days doing nothing on Presidents orders. But, despite what you may be thinking: 

"Oh no he is sick! He was inside and now has no stories to tell for the week! What will I do now?" 

Well dont yall worry one sec on that, I got barrels of stuff to tell ya, because despite my physical weakness the lord supports those that put him first. And that was true this week. 

The big miracle from this week has some backstory to it. Last November while I was in Tatabánya I went to Győr where I currently am and was on an exchange with one of the zone leaders, and we were streeting in this busy downtown area by the duna river. Well I was still in my training and so this was really good practice to go out and talk to people alone which was the name of the game at that time, so I went out guns a blazin and started talking to people, jsut taking shots all over and hoping somehow one would hit haha! Well I stopped a young couple and we talked it up and I got all the way to the appointment set up before the zone leader came in and toopk over the rest cause he knew his schedule better than I did. Well, those two young people are still investigators that I streeted, and I went to a lesson saturday to teach them about the commandments, the sabbath day and how we can draw blessings from god as we obey him, cause since november they hadnt been to church which is a problem. So we go over there despite my fatigue and we treach a great lesson about the scriptures, gods love, and I was sitting in that lesson feeling the spirit work through me, and when the time came to ask them to church I promised one of them specifically that if they came to church and put God first that he would excel on his college finals for his major and that god would give him guided and extra strength to do it. That he WOULD excel. And when I said that it was so crazy because I knew that I could make that promise as a representative of Christ and the power that He has to do that for them. And then the next day they came hahaha! It was insane. Not insane, but how it should be, and that has never happened before. So to me it seems insane, but in all reality it wasnt. It was how it should happen. But a miracle nonetheless.

I would also like to address a question I have had and my comp has had and I am sure that everyone that has every lived has had as they try to draw closer to God. A lot of people and myself wonder "why does it seem as if prayer doesnt work all the time?" I believe, that when we pray with faith in God and His infinite and eternal loving plan for us, and that hw knows exactly what Elder hough needs, or that sally susie needs, or that baker bob needs, that we may not always receive the answer we want. We wont. But even when we dont receive an answer, it is almost God's way of helping us to really see the miracles when they come. To be grateful alwys in his mercy towards us. Because as my companion said once on this subject "If prayer alwys worked, you would eventually forget." We hear that  all the time in the scriptures about the nephites forgetting about the goodness of god to them when they received SO many blessings, and then they became wicked, adn then God had to punish them to remind them of his power. So I think in a sense, He is helping us to see His hand greater in our lives by not answering prayers, along with the fact that that prayer may not be along the lines of Gods will. And its a hard thing to accept, but I know that as we develop the humility to submit to Gods will and to trust that it is for our best, then the unaswered prayers wont seem so empty, and they will start to have meaning in a positive light. 

Love yall, I would just say live the moments of life up to the fullest, and dont stress the future too hard. Its good to look forward but dont let it scare you, cause then you miss the now, and then you never get it back. Enjoy the now!

Szeretlek Benneteket!
Hough Elder

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