Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Jake Hough, 6.18.19--week 47

"The Work of the Lord Halts for NOthing and NOone!"


This week has been slow, but good. A lot happened though it felt as if nothing happened at the same time. Weird feeling. But its true. 

On the medical front, I have had no results come in or say anything about me yet, so still waiting on those. But I did go in to see another hospital and sat in a chair for 4 hours to get blood drawn every 30 minutes. They poked me a lot haha! But they were testing for cortisole levels, if they were too low or not. So well see. 

The big thing that has happened over this week was that I had and have the opportunity to still be a missionary, a member missionary still, even while Ive been sick. So I walked into church last week or two weeks ago and went to sit by the missionaries, only to see someone else sitting there, someone I did not recognize as a member. He turned around and I went "Brad??" (not his name)

In equal surprise he went "Jake??"

Brad was a friend of mine in High School, we had a lot of classes together and knew each other from those and I saw him a few times outside of class, but he was a friend, that is now exploring the church! We said hi, and talked for a bit about he was and how I was, and then we parted ways. I was shocked. It was a great feeling, to know that a friend of mine that I care about is seeking God and Christ in their lives the best way. Then comes Friday that week, and I was asked by the missionaries to invite Brad to church or to see if he was coming so naturally I called him up (though it felt weird since I wasn't JUST a missionary calling to see if he wsa coming, I was a friend inviting, so a little different approach was needed haha!). I asked how he was, how work was, we talked and then I mentioned church to see if he was coming and he was, but then we set up for the next wednesday to do something after his lesson with the missionaries! Woohoo! Awesome. He's taking lessons and we are getting together after as well. Then, as if it couldnt get better, he invited me to be in the lesson with him and the missionaries...of course I was like YES. YESYESYESYESYES! Hahahahaha I was so giddy you have no idea.

So we had the lesson which was really powerful for me, and I felt the spirit strongly, and he was followed up on his set baptismal date of July 9th, and hes working towards it. He is really good, he has a couple things to figure out and recieve from God, but he is a strong man and a great guy. But then we went to a lesson just yesterday, and after both lessons I was able to talk with him about life, his life, his struggles, his doubts, and I jsut listened as a friend. It was a really important viewpoint to see out of, because THAT is member work. That is missionary work as a member. To be a FRIEND to those that are needing a friend, a guide, a support to get to the waters of baptism and then to STAY on the covenant path. It doesnt guarantee that they will stay, still has agency, but the probabilities drop SIGNIFICANTLY. And so we are meeting on Wednesday with a member family he knows for dinner with the missionaries, and that will be good. Im praying for him to overcome and fiugre out the things that he needs to figure out in his life, and that he will recieve the peace that he can receive from the Holy Ghost and Christ. 

That was the biggest thing this week, I am also freelance working as a website tester, to make some small bucks, and Im waiting around trying to find ways to come closer to God while being stuck inside most the day. Its going good. If I have learned anything from all this, it is that we cant be stiff and expect life to go one way or that way we wanted it to, because it wont go that way ever. So why hold false expectations? Set goals, set plans, but be humble enough to accept when you are not at the wheel haha!

Szeretlek Benneteket!


Jake has lost 11 pounds since this ordeal began in May. I am happy to report that my mama lovin' (okay, and some mama stink eye, too) has helped Jake gain at least five pounds back since coming home. 

We spent four hours at the hospital on Friday, so Jake could get a two hour blood test called the Cosyntropin Stimulation test. You can read all about it here. Jake is hyper vigilant in making sure he is living and studying the gospel as well as his language every chance he gets. He was reading his Hungarian scriptures quietly to himself in between blood draws every 30 minutes.

Jake learned that swimming with the siblings wears him out at supersonic speeds. But he was a trooper.

Saturday afternoon, we went to the temple again--this time with Jared and his mom. And had our usual meal at Torchy's Tacos afterwards before heading home.

Father's Day afternoon and evening brought a line of strong storms through our area. The second one that night was pretty intense. Jake pulled up the radar and when he saw the outline of the storm he was so excited. Not just because of the magnitude of it, but because it was in the shape of Hungary! Haha! :) 

Even feeling as trashed as he does, Jake finds the ability to spend quality time with his siblings while he's here. He rounded up JJ (7-years-old) yesterday afternoon and took him out back to play catch.

1 comment:

Joe Dickson said...

Jake, your parents know me. I served with your dad and was his roommate at school. You're in good hands. I lost weight on the mission. The Lord has blessed you. You served the Lord and He will bless you for your service. Hope you get well. My daughter also came home a bit early from her mission. Like you she serves in other ways now here at home. Have your dad make his chili for me. Joe