Monday, July 1, 2019

Jake Hough, 7.1.19--week 49

"The Immediate Goodness of God"


This last week was great! I mean, as great as it could get while being homeridden sick haha but it was really good, I know for a fact God has been guiding me and watching out for me and not forgetting my prayers. 

So the big news this week was I got a call from the sleep study place yesterday night, outta the blue and I was like “hmmmmmmm it’s here!” So we got the call at 6:50 and rushed over there for the 7:30 appt. well, a 5 minute speed dinner and 20 minutes of stress later (because Jake left his wallet in his friend's car two days before and he needed his ID for the appointment so we had to scramble to get that figured out!), we get to the sleep center. All good, we’re about to get this thing DONE! Woooh! So we get in, we get the paperwork filled out as the lady running the study was explaining the test to us she mentions sleep apnea as what they are looking for, so I was like

“Oh! So narcolepsy is after sleep apnea yeah?”

*perplexedly looks at me*
“Well no...that wasn’t ordered. So it won’t be on this study.”

*gears in my mind start grinding*
“So we can’t test for narcolepsy tonight?”

“That’s right”


So through a lengthy conversation and weighing the timing of another order on narcolepsy, a possible opening if the original day falls through, cost and savings, and the overall gut prompting I was feeling was to wait a little longer and get the split night sleep apnea diagnostic/narcolepsy back to back studies, shooting for July 9th if we can get the narcolepsy order in by then. If not, I wait til July 29th for the test and 2 weeks for studies. So we’ll see how it goes. I’m hopeful for the future! 

I wanted to elaborate and expound upon a little miracle that was in this whole thing. The immediate goodness of God was manifest in this whole adventure. We were not aware of the fact that we needed to order a second study for narcolepsy, the most prevalent (suspected) problem here. If we had gone in on the 9th with no knowledge of this she said the next available time after the 29th was 46 days later...I can’t imagine waiting that long for a sleep study to push this along. That was the immediate goodness of god being manifest. He knew we were waiting for the opening and that we would jump on the chance so he gave us the further knowledge we needed to make the decision, I mean just killing time by asphyxiation, whooh! That wouldn’t be pleasant Haha! 

Love y’all, thanks so much for yalls support and prayers. They are felt! 

Szeretlek Benneteket!


**In other news, we met with the rheumatologist on Wednesday. He said all the blood samples he re-tested with more sensitive equipment plus the 2 hour blood test all came back…normal. He said, with some sympathy, that there was nothing more he could do for us. Which…in the grand scheme of things, we are grateful for. We appreciated his thoroughness and time. Then he said, "My bet is with the sleep study."

**I about died when we got another call last night from the sleep study center, one week after the tragic missed call from them, asking if we wanted to come in. We were finally on the brink of suspected answers! After our conversation with Teresa and the knowledge we gleaned from that discussion, it was hard to walk away that night with no sleep study. But we are so grateful that Teresa took the time to kindly help us explore ALL our options and what they might mean for us. The absence of one little check in a box is what kept us from the test for narcolepsy. In our defense, my ignorant mind just assumed a sleep study was the umbrella term for checking ALL sleep disturbances…snoring, restless legs, sleep apnea, acting out dreams, and narcolepsy. No one told us differently. We had no idea that it was a separate diagnostic study. Mainly because the real test for that comes the following day…when Jake would be monitored for how often he falls asleep during the daytime and for how long. And that process requires a daytime analyst. Which is why, even if we had the order, it couldn't be done last night because Teresa is the night shift. So we wait. Which we're getting good at!

**Jake's had some special answers to prayers, seen miracles and ministered in unique ways that he wouldn't have received, witnessed, or experienced had he not been here in Texas at this time. So while Texas is not his first choice of a preferred location during his prime mission days, it's reassuring to see the Lord's love and awareness of him during this interesting trial.
**Saturday, Jake and I received a personal invitation from Elder Ellis and President Sharp to attend the coordinating council meeting in Houston, which featured the service missionaries and service mission leaders from all of Texas. Elder Stanley G. Ellis (emeritus general authority) is the "mission president" over the service missionaries (youth ages 18-25) in our Houston area. Turns out my parents served with him and his wife when they were on their mission in South Africa! Elder and Sister Ellis were so sweet and gracious and we were very blessed to be able to hear the testimonies of the service missionaries themselves and learn more pertaining to the roll out of the service missionary program in Texas. Even if Jake doesn't finish out his mission in this capacity, we learned a lot of valuable information about the inspired program where missions are possible for anyone who has the desire to serve. Heavenly Father really is aware of "the one." If anyone has questions about this program, let me know. I'm happy to share what I learned and then you can reach out to your bishop. J

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