Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I guess this is what happens when you put your two year old on the toilet so she can do her thing and forget about her. It was only about 10 minutes. But...on the up side, or should I say "butt, on the under side," she did poop on the potty!!

Karcyn's been pooping on the potty for a couple weeks now. My earliest potty trainee. However, as I was telling a friend earlier this week, I have no technique for this. I just wait for the kids to do it themselves which has worked out fine. Hopefully, since Karcyn is starting so early, this won't be a long drawn out process. In fact, Karcyn cannot stand diapers or pull ups and isn't thrilled with panties. Unfortunately for her she's going to have to get used to one of those things because we can't leave the house with her streaking everywhere! (Oh but wait, let me post her naked on my blog.)

1 comment:

JandS Morgan said...

I'm saving this for when she gets engaged, hee hee.