Monday, March 25, 2019

Elder Jake Hough, 3.25.19--week 35

(Oh Am I in trouble now Elder!)

"Sevi, how do I stay as far away from becoming a zone leader as possible?"

[severus snape voice] "Take exit three HUNdred and seventy foooooooooouuuuuuur youmissedit."

"...Well shoot."


Well, "lets get down to business" with this one. quite a lot has happened in the last week, and I still cant believe it has only been one week. Its been up! Down! Left right! Inside! Outside! All side! But its been really rewarding too to see that the craziness aside that I have been doing really good spiritually and been really calm to be honest. havent really felt any real stress, which is great! Or it just means Im actually a ghost and Im dead, which is also a possibility haha!

To start off, I was with Proctor Elder and we decided after last weeks email session to go to see the LEGO factory in Nyiregyháza, about a 15 minute bus ride from the city, cause they actually have a lego factory. Bringing me back to those good old days, when I was building all the time, and I was also always broke because the lego sets are so dang expensive, but I was ok with that for some reason, blissfully unaware of that fact...yeah those days were good. But we show up to this factory and its super cool cause they have giant lego bricks on the side of the road leading up to the factory, and so we get there and we realize when we talk wit hthe people that you need to email them and book a reservation 6 MONTHS in advance before belépés lehet (stepping inside is possible)...well darn. I guess Ill have to settle for a couple sweet pics of the flags in the courtyard and that was that. But the pics are pretty darn cool actually. But that was a bit of a flop, no worries though. We planned to compensate the next week and go to the prettiest zoo in Hungary which is there as well. Super worth it, so we planned that out. 
Ever had that feeling of "I know something is coming but I have no idea what it may be or wheter I will be ready" feeling?

Tuesday, March 18, 2019. 11:30:43 am. Örökösföld Nyiregyháza. We received a text from presidnet saying to call him ASAP when we had a few minutes. We try calling, nothing. So we decide to wait for him to call back, and 15 minutes later the phone starts shaking my body with its vibrating. I answer the phone and ask presidnet how his day was, and he said "My day is great Hough Elder! But yours is about to get a bit bumpy, so why dont you find a place to sit down and buckle up. Youre gonna want it." So, like any good missionary who gets a random call from his president during proselyting time and receives a response like that would do, I sat down on a bench and zip clicked my seat belt for safety. He continues to say that my trainer and great friend Peery Elder in the neighboring city of miskolc north of us had to go home for surgery that thursday, and so Proctor Elder would be the District leader in Nyiregháza (Church of Birch), and that I would be going to Miskolc to take his place as Zone Leader of the East Zone...The thoughts that ran through my head were "ES-COP-AY! You know thats funny, cause it looks just like the word escape!", to "I am a dead man!" "Wow that conversation took a dark turn." Haha Im on a quoting roll today! One might say "Im just getting warmed up!"

But yeah, and he will be gone for 3 weeks, back before the end of the transfer, and so I had to pack up my stuff after 1 week of Nyiregyháza and head out to budapest, meet my companion Elder Burnett, have MLC (mission leadership council with all zone leaders sister training leaders and the assistants and the president) in budapest that morning without any idea what was going on, and then traveled to Miskolc that same day! Basically traveled the length of hungary, just ina boomerang sorta shape. So that travel was fun if headaches make you happy. 
So then I got here, Burnett elder is also super new to this area only of a bout two weeks and so its really fun getting to know the area and using wrong buses and such haha! We went to teach a lady about the restoration, and the first thing she says on that doorstep was that she REALLY REALLY like the jehovahs witnesses, and we just stood there and were really polite, let her talk about herself, and every problem she had was answered by the gospel in some form or another, and so we tried to throw in the restoration between her breaths, and at one point I felt that I needed to compare her experience to Joseph smiths and the first vision when he was searching for truth, and so I tried to start the story, got to the point where he goes into the forest and she interrupts, so I wait again and just felt the burning in my chest that if I didnt get this off or out I would die, it was so strong, and then I cut in and started, and gave her the first vision, and as I spake, I started to feel dizzy, and I started to tear up from it, the spirit was so strong with it, and after that she was like "awesome when can we meet again?" And so we ended it there on the high and left. And then walking away I was drained. I was not standing super easy, and it was really powerful experience of giving the restoration and teaching it to this womans needs. Super super cool. 

Anyway...that is about it for this week, there will definitely be more to come in the next couple emails, about miskolc, the people, the place, and everything, but I love this gospel, and it is the same no matter where we are, and that is why its awesome to be a vagabond right now haha! Love yall! Keep on the covenant path!!

Hough Elder
Doesn't this look like the Kirtland Temple just a little different?
Some pictures from the past...
 From the carbon monoxide debacle, perhaps? 

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