Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Baby Fun Results

We had several predictions for the baby to be born on his due date--8.11.11. However, he was born SHORTLY after midnight and most the predictions were after that. My cousin-in-law Dani predicted 8/11 at 2:33am. She was the closest...but she was over! (So sorry, Dani!)

So the winner of the date and time is our friend who lives down the street...Jean Gorton! She predicted 8/10 at 7:53pm and that was the last prediction for the 10th. Yay for you Jean!! That's $50 coming your way.

And the winner of the weight prediction for $25 goes to our other neighborhood friend, Julie Miller (who is busy with a newborn of her own). She was the first one to predict 6 lbs 11 oz. Jacob predicted 6 lbs 10 oz. and was kicking himself for being 1 ounce off. Well done, Julie. I would never have predicted that small. JJ is now our second smallest baby. In fact, our first, third and fifth babies were 6 pounders and our second and fourth were our 7 pounders. Cooper is VERY proud of the fact that he holds the record as our largest baby, tipping the scales at 7 lbs. 9 oz.

Thanks for playing, Everyone!

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